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How to use docvariables



Metadata are extra information that complement data, with the objective of facilitating their organization. An item from metadata can inform the meaning of the data in a language that a computer will understand. Metadata are used to facilitate the understanding of relationships and highlight the utility of data information.

Almost all digital devices generate metadata from their usage. For example, when taking a photo, in addition to saving the photo to the memory of the device, metadata are associated with this photo, describing information about the model of the camera, ISO type, file size and format, and even the location in which the photo was taken, if the device has GPS.

SoftExpert Document allows for configuring the metadata export in created documents to use the data as docvariables in electronic files.

Docvariables are a feature explored by SoftExpert Suite to automatically fill out document information, such as: ID #, category, document title, revision, and others. Once configured, they will be automatically filled out in the electronic file and updated at each revision.


View all necessary operations for the use of docvariables:


Docvariables are compatible only with DocView (for .doc and .docx files only), ExcelView (for .xls and .xlsx files only), and LibreOffice (for .odt files only) viewers. See more information in the Using docvariables in electronic files article mentioned above.

The configuration of metadata export performed through this menu replaces the former configuration procedure of the .exp file.


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