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SoftExpert Process tasks



Tasks are pending system activities for which the user is responsible. They are divided into two categories: Execution and Tracking.

Tracking tasks are tasks for which the user is responsible, but that are executed by another user.

Execution tasks are pending tasks that the user must execute within a deadline or defined period.

In SoftExpert Process, no tracking tasks are generated.

See further details on these execution tasks:


Execution tasks

Revalidation approval

Processes that have validity control configured in its type will be regularly revalidated. 

Depending on the configurations made in the validity control, after the revalidation is closed, the revalidation approval task is generated.

Who receives it

Users defined as members of the responsibility route for the approval associated with the validity configuration or revalidation of the process.


When a revalidation is sent for approval.

Purpose Approve or reject a process revalidation.
Where In the My tasks > Execution menu.

Request execution

Sometimes, processes are created to execute a request. 

Who receives it The party responsible for the execution of the request, defined in the SoftExpert Request component.
When The issue/approval step (as configured) is finished by the due responsible parties in the SoftExpert Request component.
Purpose To allow those responsible to meet the process creation requests.
Where In the My tasks > Execution menu.

Revision request execution

Who receives it The party responsible for the execution of the request, defined in the SoftExpert Request component.
When The issue/approval step (as configured) is finished by the due responsible parties in the SoftExpert Request component.
Purpose To allow the responsible users to execute the process revisions.
Where In the My tasks > Execution menu.

Revision acknowledgment

Who receives it Users who have the acknowledgment permission granted in data of process that was revised.
When Just as a new revision is closed.
Purpose Confirmation from stakeholders that a new process revision was closed.
Where In the My tasks > Execution menu.

Process revision

When processes created in the system are configured to go through revision processes based on the ISO9000 standards or via workflow, the process revision task is generated.

Such configuration is established in the type that classifies the process.

Who receives it

ISO9000 based: participants associated as responsible users through the Participant > Step tab on the process revision data screen. Remember that a process will only be revised if its respective control was configured in the respective type.

Workflow: users defined as executors of the process activities. These users must have the revision control enabled in the permission profile in the process type. To be able to edit the process modeling, the status associated with the activity must be configured with the "Edit process" control.


ISO9000 based:

  • Draft: this is the first step of the revision process. The drafter should view the process data and make the necessary changes, if necessary. This task is generated when a new process is created in the system or a new revision is created through the Management > Revision (PM047) menu.
  • Review, Approval, and Release: in the steps after draft, the changes made by the revision drafter can be viewed. If a participant does not agree with some changes made, or has got comments about the revision, critiques can be created and sent to the drafter. This step is generated when the previous step of the revision is finished, in the following order: Review > Approval > Release, if the respective participants are configured.
  • Closure: just as the releaser finishes the revision.

Workflow: when a new revision starts and when, in the process flow, the activity should be executed.

Purpose To enable processes to be revised, keeping the history of everything that has been changed.
Where My tasks menu or Management > Revision > Requirement (REQ022) menu. 

Process due date

Certain processes remain current, that is, valid, for a specific period. 

According to the validity configurations associated with the process type, due date tasks are generated to allow managing the validity deadline of those processes more effectively.

Who receives it Users who have permission to edit or revise enabled in the permission profile of the process type.

When the default time set in the validity configuration associated with the type of the pending process expires.


To allow the responsible users to revise or revalidate the pending process and to allow deleting processes that are no longer necessary for the organization.

Where My tasks menu.


Additional information

Tasks can also be executed through the button available in the notification e-mail related to them.

For further details on the revalidation process, refer to the What is revalidation? article. 

For further details on revision configuration and execution, refer to the What is a revision? article.

The issuance and approval of requests must be performed through the SoftExpert Request component.



As tasks are executed and closed, they are no longer displayed in the list of pending records in the Task menu.

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