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Signing a document



  • Document from a category associated with a signature configuration.
  • Valid certificate installed in the user's machine according to the type enabled in the signature configuration.

WARNING: this documentation does not offer support for the installation of a valid certificate in your repository. To do so, refer to the specific support of the certificate type enabled in the signature configuration.

  • User that belongs to the document security list configured in the Security > Document tab of the category, with the "Sign" control enabled.



The way of signing a document depends on the signature configuration associated with its category, as it can be digital or electronic.

As mentioned in the video of the Configuring a signature article, the digital signature takes place exclusively in SoftExpert Document, and the electronic signature uses a third-party integrated platform.

In this article, to finish the flow example, the machine rental contract of the “RC001 - Rent contract - Machine” document will be signed.


Signing a document

Watch the video below for a practical example of the digital signature of a document:

The video has covered the process of digitally signing a document. To learn how to electronically sign a document, refer to the articles below according to the signature configuration integration platform:




Thus, the electronic file of the document has been successfully signed, finishing the flow for the creation of a document with signature!

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