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Creating a document with approval





For a document to go through an approval process, it is necessary to create it in a category with configured indexing control. This is what defines whether a document will go through approval once it is created.

To continue the flow example, the “DC-INST-010 - Instruction document” document will be created from the “DC-010 - Instruction document” category configured in the previous step. The electronic file of the instruction document will be added to this document. Thus, it will be ready to be approved in the next step.


Creating a document with approval

To create a document, perform the steps shown in the video of the Creating a document article.

However, when selecting a category, select one with configured indexing control.

After creating the document, add the electronic file that will go through approval. To learn how to add an electronic file, access the Adding single and multiple files to the document and Adding complex files to the document articles.

The configuration of the indexing control in the category was covered in the previous flow step.




Now that the document has been created, the approval process will follow the configurations. Thus, the next step is to approve the document.

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