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Configuring a customer quality level



  • Access to the Configuration > Quality level (CT007) menu.
  • Configured survey template.
  • Created category.



Customer evaluations are performed periodically through surveys sent by e-mail to the default contact of the customers. 

Each customer's answers generate a score, whose classification is based on a quality level. Thus, an evaluation history is created per customer, which allows verifying their evolution over time.

Before creating an evaluation, you must enter certain information in the customer category. See how to do that in the Configuring an evaluation in the category article.

All customers linked to this category will receive the evaluation by e-mail, provided that they have a contact with the Use as default option checked and that said contact is configured with an e-mail address for the submission.

Configuring a customer quality level

1. Access the Configuration > Quality level (CT007) menu.

2. Click on the button.

3. On the screen that will open, enter the ID # and Name of the quality level.

4. Save the record. Now, all available options will be enabled.

5. In the Results section, click on the button.

Watch the video below to understand how to configure the quality level.


Creating a quality level is one of the prerequisites to configure an evaluation.

With the quality level configured, it is possible to define an evaluation for each customer category. See more details in the Configuring an evaluation in the category article.

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