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How to configure a web service action



  • Access to the Business rule (BR001) menu.



When creating a business rule, after setting the triggers, we need to configure the chosen action. 

The web service action enables integration with third-party systems through web service calls, such as databases, online service APIs, or corporate management systems, for example.

See how to configure a web service action in the business rule: 

Configuring the web service action

1. Access the Business rule (BR001) menu.

2. Select the component and choose the desired trigger.

3. In the next step, click on the A web service is executed option.

4. Click on the Configure web service button.

5. On the screen that will open, select the desired data source or create a new one.

REST or Web service data sources can be used.


6. Click on Next.

7. Perform the parameterizations in accordance with the selected data source.



The web service action has been configured and is ready to be executed after the business rule is created. For more information on data sources, access the Integration guide.

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