Creating a business rule
- Access to the Business rule (BR001) menu.
SoftExpert Business rule begins to operate when a business rule is created.
When creating a rule, we define the triggers and automatic actions, as well as the conditions for said actions, if any. This resource allows for automating repetitive tasks and ensures a secure way to carry them out.
After setting the triggers and automatic actions, we must finish the creation of the rule.
See below how to create a business rule:
Creating a business rule
1. Access the Business rule (BR001) menu and click on Create.
2. On the screen that will open, select the component in which the trigger will be fired.
3. Specify the trigger of the action.
4. In the next step, answer the question "Do you wish to add a condition?" with Yes or No.
- If "Yes" is selected, fill in the displayed field with a condition. Multiple conditions can be added to a trigger.
- If "No" is selected, the trigger will be added. Access the Defining a business rule trigger article and learn more about the available triggers.
5. Choose the actions that will be carried out after the trigger. Access the Configuring actions in the business rule article to learn more.
6. Answer the "Do you wish to add a new action?" question with No after selecting the desired actions.
7. Enter the ID # and the name of the business rule.
8. Click on Create business rule to finish creating the rule.

Editing business rules
1. Access the Business rule (BR001) menu.
2. Select a business rule and right-click on it.
3. Click on Open data.
4. On the screen that will open, click on the Edit button to change the ID #, the name, the status, and the user set as responsible for the rule.
5. After making the changes, click on Apply.
6. Then, click on the Security button to associate permission profiles with the desired users.
To learn how to add permission profiles, access the Associating a permission profile with the security article.
7. In the Comments section, insert a comment in the available field and click on Send.
8. Once sent, the comment can be edited, deleted, liked, or resolved through the available buttons. It will also be possible to reply to the comments found in the rule within this section.
9. In the Business rule section, actions and conditions can be added to the rule.

Thus, the business rule has been created and configured. The actions will be automatically performed after the trigger is fired.