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How to translate an article




  • Access to the File > Article (KB002) menu.
  • Previously created article.



The system allows for translating the information recorded in the articles, aiming to facilitate the understanding of the content by multilingual users.

A good way to simplify the process and avoid errors is to use a CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tool. This type of software aims to assist a human translator in the translation process, but it is important to note that translation through CAT tools is not the same as machine translation (Google Translator, Bing Translator, etc.).

With CAT tools, the content to be translated (by a human) is divided into segments which, after they are translated, are stored in a translation memory. When translating text, if a segment is similar to something already saved in the translation memory, the previous translation will be suggested for use. Then, the user can select the suggested text and adjust it as necessary during the new translation. At the end of the process, the new version will be saved in the memory for future reference.

Another important point is that, by using CAT tools, all formatting of the original text is maintained in the translated text; this way, the content is translated without worrying about losing any formatting.

The tools support multiple file types, but SoftExpert Knowledge base articles are exported to HTML. Therefore, make sure your translation tool supports this format. 

See how to translate the articles:


Translating articles through CAT tools

Configuring languages

Before translating the article, it is necessary to enable the languages into which the content will be translated.

1. Access the File > Article (KB002) menu.

2. Search for the desired article and select it.

3. Click on the button.

4. If the article has been released, enable its editing.

5. Click on the Configure languages button.

6. Click on the arrow in the Language field and enable all desired languages.

7. Enter the article name translated into all enabled languages.

8. Click on the Save & close button.

Only languages previously enabled in the knowledge base of which the article is part are available.


Exporting an article

To translate articles, you must first export the content to an HTML file.

1. On the article data screen, access the content in the original language.

2. Click on the Export to HTML button. At this point, an HTML file will be downloaded, containing the content of the article.

If your CAT tool allows translating several files in the same project, download all articles to be translated.


Translating an article

After downloading the articles, import the files to the CAT tool and translate them.

Example of an article being translated in OmegaT

Importing a translated file

After translating the files in the CAT tool, import them into the articles in the section that corresponds to the language used in the translation.

1. On the article data screen, select the desired language.

2. Click on the Import from HTML button.

Repeat this process for all languages into which the articles were translated.


3. The content of the translated article will be displayed; however, if there are images and/or links, check if they need to be translated, as the translation process with CAT tools only works with editable text. In the case of images with text, for example, replace them with images translated manually into the article language.

4. Release the version or execute the revision of the article.




All done! The article will be translated.

When the article is being viewed in a portal, it will be displayed according to the language of the logged user or, if it has not been translated into the language of the user, according to the alternative language defined in the general parameters of the component.

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