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SoftExpert Document tasks



  • Access to the My tasks menu.



Tasks are pending system activities for which the user is responsible. They are divided into two categories: Execution and Tracking.

Tracking tasks are tasks for which the user is responsible, but that are executed by another user. Execution tasks are pending tasks that the user must execute within a deadline or defined period.

See further details on the generated tasks:


Execution tasks

Document approval

Who receives it
  • Responsibility route: Users defined as members of the responsibility route for the approval associated with the category or with the document.
  • Workflow: Users defined as executors of the process activities during process modeling.
  • A document is sent from the Indexing step to the Approval step.
  • The document approval process is via workflow and it is time for the activity to be executed.
Purpose  To approve or reject a document drafted during the Indexing step.

Revalidation approval

Who receives it The users defined as members of the responsibility route for the approval, associated with the configuration of the validity or revalidation of the document.
When A revalidation is sent for approval.
Purpose Approve or reject a document revalidation.

Request execution

Who receives it

Changes according to the requested operation:

Creation: User responsible for executing the request. Defined in the Request component.

Revision: User with the Revision control enabled in the Security list of the document.

Cancellation: User with the Cancel control enabled in the Security list of the document.

Print: User with the Print control enabled in the Security list of the document.

When The issue/approval step is finished by the due responsible parties, as configured in the Request component.
Purpose To create, revise, cancel, or register protocols of document copies that meet the requesters' needs.

Applicability evaluation 

Who receives it Users with the Evaluate applicability control enabled in the Security list of the document.
When The document revision is closed.
Purpose To evaluate whether the document is applicable to a particular group of users. For example: the leaders can evaluate whether a corporate document is applicable to their team. 

Confirmation that copies have been received

Who receives it User defined in the copy protocol as responsible for receiving the controlled copies.
When The issuance of the copy protocol is finished and its receiving is not confirmed.
Purpose To confirm the receiving of the copies and verify if they match the copies declared in the protocol.

Obsolete copies cancellation

Who receives it
  • Users who have the Distribute copies control enabled in the security list of the pending document when the distribution is configured as Document control in the category.
  • Team responsible for the copy station configured in the document category.
  • Team defined in the category, configured as Specific team.
  • This task will only be generated for documents with the Printed copy control enabled and the substitution mode set as Manual in their category.
When A document revision is released and the document still has obsolete copies in use. For example, the revision 01 of the specific document is released, however, there are copies of the revision 00 in use.
Purpose To notify the responsible users that there are obsolete copies in use so they can be cancelled.

Publication acknowledgment

Who receives it Users who have the Acknowledgment control enabled in the security list of the document.
When After the Approval or Release of the document revision, as configured in its category. This task will only be generated if the Electronic copy control is configured in the document category.
Purpose To alert the users that a document has gone through a revision and that a new version is available.

Revision acknowledgment

Who receives it Users with the Revision control enabled in the Security list of the document. This task will only be generated if the Notify structure revision option is checked in the Revision section of the general parameters.
When The revision of a document that has a complementary document structure is started.
Purpose Verify and define which complementary documents should also be revised. 

Send printed copies

Who receives it Responsible for the distribution of document copies, defined in its category.
  • A new revision of a controlled copy type document is released/approved.
  • A printed controlled copy is cancelled.
Purpose To notify the responsible users that there are printed copies of the new version of the document that must be sent to the respective stations.

Document disposal

Who receives it Users who have the Delete control enabled in the security list of the document.
When The retention deadline of the previous archiving step (Current/Intermediate) has expired.
Purpose To delete the electronic file or record of the document that has no secondary value for the organization. Or to postpone the deletion of the document.

Document indexing

Who receives it
  • Users who have the Edit control enabled in the security list of the pending document with the respective option checked in the general parameters.
  • Responsible party for the recorded document.
  • This task will only be generated if the Electronic copy control is configured in the document category.
When A document is created in a category that has the Indexing control enabled and it is not sent to the next step.
Purpose To finish the draft step of a document, before sending it for the Approval/Release step. 

Training registration

Who receives it
  • Users who have the Create training control enabled in the security list of the document that will be the training object. These users must have access to the Training planning and Training execution menus in the Training component to successfully execute this task. 
  • Members of the organizational unit control team who have the Create training control enabled in the document security.
  • Members of the team defined in the Training control of the category when it is configured for a specific team to create the document trainings.
When The revision of a document is approved or released according to the configuration performed in the document category.
Purpose To train the employees on the content of a document. The deadline to execute this task depends on the configuration in the document category, as it is possible to configure different deadlines for critical and noncritical trainings.

Document revision

Who receives it

ISO9000 based:

  • Draft/Review/Approval/Release: Users defined as participants in the revision route associated with the document.
  • Closure: If the option is checked in the general parameters, the user who created the revision will receive this task. Otherwise, all users who have the Revise control enabled in document security will also receive it. This step will only be generated if it is configured that the revision closure will be manual.

ISO9000 based:

  • Draft: When starting a new revision or when a participant rejects a revision step.
  • Review/Approval/Release: After the drafter releases their task. Such steps are optional and are received in this order.
  • Closure: After the last revision step defined in the route.
  • Workflow: When a new revision starts and when in the process flow, the activity should be executed.
Purpose Control the changes and versions of the created documents. 

Translation revision

Who receives it Users with permission to revise in the documents configured with translation relationships.
  • Notify structure revision: This task will be generated when creating the revision of a document with translation relationship. To do that, the Notify when creating the revision option must be checked on the Relationship association screen.
  • Notify when closing the revision: This task will be generated when closing the revision of a document with translation relationship. To do that, the Notify when closing the revision option must be checked on the Relationship association screen.
Purpose To check the impact and the necessity of revising the documents listed as translations of a document being revised. 

Document due date

Who receives it Users who have the Edit or Revise control enabled in the security list of the pending document.
  • The default time defined in the validity associated with the category of the pending document expires.
  • A revalidation is rejected.
Purpose To allow the responsible users to revise or revalidate pending document.


Tracking task

Revision tracking

Who receives it Users who have the Revise control enabled in the security list of the pending document.
When When a new document revision starts.
Purpose To track the progress and deadline of the revision.
  • Tasks can also be executed through the button available in the notification e-mail related to them.
  • Access the What is a revision? article for further details on revisions.
  • Access the What is revalidation? article for further details on revalidations.



As tasks are executed and closed, they are no longer displayed in the list of pending records in the Task menu.

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