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Sharing a portal




  • Permission to edit in the portal.
  • Portal with sharing permission.



Sharing a SoftExpert Suite portal is a simple and efficient operation, which allows the responsible parties to disclose information and collaborate in data and knowledge transfer.

It is important to point out that only SoftExpert Suite users will have access to the portals.



Sharing portals

1. Access the Portals > See all menu.

2. Search for the portal name.

3. Hover the mouse over the card or click on it.

4. Click on the > Share button.

5. On the sharing screen, the following options will be available to aid in this process:

Specific users Choose the specific users with whom you wish to share the portal. Use the search field to find the desired users and select them.
Department Select the departments that have been created in SoftExpert Suite. In this case, all users within these departments will have access to portal information. To do so, search for the desired departments and select them.
Position Choose the positions that have been created in SoftExpert Suite. This will grant portal access to all users with these positions. Use the search field to find and select the desired positions.
Team Select the teams with which you wish to share the portal. Search for and choose the teams that will have access to the portal.
Public Check this option to make the portal public for all users in the organization. On the displayed field, select the users, departments, positions and/or teams that will have permission to edit the portal.

5. Once sharing is configured, click on Share.

It is important to point out that the portal sharing rule will not be applied to its elements, that is, if the viewing of an analysis or a SoftExpert Analytics vision is configured in the portal, it will follow the security rule defined in the analysis.


Use the Copy link button to share the URL that allows for accessing the portal. The link, however, will only be available for access by system users with permission to view the portal.




After sharing the portal, selected users will receive notifications about the access through the SoftExpert Suite Notification center

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