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Create a document with revision control

This topic will teach you to create a document with a revision based on the ISO9000 standard.

To do that, you must have followed the steps in the Create category with revision control topic, as the category created in it will be used in the document.

After the category has been created, we will cover the following operations:


Adding the document

To add a document, access the DC003 menu.

Click on the arrow next to the button and select the Create document using wizard option:

In the first steps, keep the Create new document option selected.

Locate and select the Work instruction category (created in the Create category with revision control topic) and click on the Next button.

On the document data, enter the ID # and the "Work instruction" title for the document.

The other required fields will be filled out by the system and can be kept as they are.

Click on the Next button. Confirm the system request to proceed with the operation.


Defining revision participants

As the revision control is configured in the category, the Participants step will be displayed at this point.

You will configure two steps with your user: "Draft" and "Approval". To do that:

Click on the button on the side toolbar.

On the screen that will be opened, select the "User" option in the Control field.

Fill out the User filter with your user data and press ENTER.

Expand the listing on the Step field and check the following options: "Draft" and "Approval".

Enter number 5 in the Deadline (days) field.

Select the record of your user in the listing and click on the button.

After that, the steps and the participant will be displayed on the step listing. Click on the Next button.


Associating an electronic file

In the Electronic file step, it is possible to associate the files that will compose the document.

As this document will be used in other Quick Guide topics, you must have a .docx file saved on your computer to associate with this document. It can have any name.

Once done, perform the following steps:

Click on the button on the side toolbar.

On the screen that will be displayed, click on the Select file button.

Browse your computer and select the created file.

Wait for the file to be loaded on the screen and click on Finish.

The file has been associated. Click on the Finish button!

As your user is the document drafter, the button to execute the revision will be displayed.

The revision execution will be covered in the Execute the revision of a document topic.

Click on the Close button to leave the creation wizard.

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