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Configuring the general parameters of SoftExpert Knowledge base




  • Access to the Configuration > General parameters (KB012) menu.



Through the general parameters of the component, it is possible to define alternative languages. The selected languages indicate the language in which articles will be displayed if the article data is not available in the language of the logged user.

When creating an article, it is possible to configure the languages in which the content will be displayed. Thus, when a user views this article, the content will be displayed in the language in which the user is accessing the system.

However, if the article is not translated into the user's language, the content will be displayed according to the alternative language defined in this menu.

See how to configure the alternative languages:


Configuring the general parameters

1. Access the Configuration > General parameters (KB012) menu.

2. Choose the language for which you wish to configure an alternative language.

3. Click on the arrow in the Alternative language field and select the desired language.

4. Repeat the process to configure all desired alternative languages.

5. Click on the button.

The button allows for undoing changes and returning to the original system configurations.




All done! The alternative languages are configured.

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