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Configuring the security of a knowledge base




  • Access to the Configuration > Permission profile (KB011) menu.
  • Access to the File > Knowledge base (KB001) menu.
  • Previously created knowledge base.



The knowledge base security is configured using permission profiles, which facilitates the management of access controls.

After creating a knowledge base, you can configure its security to restrict the groups of users that will have access to it.

As the previously created knowledge base groups articles from the IT department of an organization, in this article, the security will be configured so that only users who belong to that department can access the knowledge base.

Configuring the security is easy: simply create the permission profile, gathering all access controls, and associate it with a knowledge base. See how to perform this operation:


Creating a permission profile

1. Access the Configuration > Permission profile (KB011) menu.

2. Click on the button.

3. Enter an ID # and a name for the profile.

4. In the Object field, choose whether the permission profile will be used to configure the security of articles or knowledge bases.

5. In the Controls field, select which controls will be enabled based on the profile.

6. Click on the button.

• By default, SoftExpert Suite provides a profile with all controls for articles, named ALL - Article profile, and another profile with all controls for knowledge bases, named ALL - Knowledge Base.

• The control options available for articles are: Add, Edit, Delete, and View.

• The control options available for knowledge bases are: Edit, Delete, and View.



Configuring the security of the knowledge base

• When configuring a new access control, the permission profile object must correspond to the object selected in the Security definition field.

• It is possible to create as many access types as necessary, as long as the different permission profiles are configured for use.




Thus, the knowledge base security is configured. Now, learn how to configure the knowledge base categories.

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