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Filling out forms when executing activities





When a form is associated with the activities of a process automated via workflow, it can be filled out during the execution of the workflow activities.

In accordance with the configurations applied to the form rules, the fields added during the designing can be disabled, enabled, required, etc.

See how to fill out a web form and a responsive form when executing the activities:


Filling out a web form


Filling out a responsive form

When a field of the Table type is completed in a responsive form, three buttons are shown:

  • Save and new: option that allows for saving the data inserted in the table and moving on to the creation of a new record.
  • Save: option that saves the data of the record that is being added and keeps the window open. This is a useful alternative for cases in which it is necessary to check some information before finishing the insertion of the record in the table.
  • Save and close: option that saves the data and closes the table record insertion screen.

Changes to responsive form records are also recorded in the audit trail.

For further details on starting and executing processes via workflow, refer to the SoftExpert Workflow documentation.




All done! Now you know how to fill out a form when executing process activities.

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