Configuring a template
- Access to the Configuration > Template (SV026) menu.
Templates are records used to shape the creation of system objects. In SoftExpert Survey, these records allow for standardizing communication when sending out surveys.
Used in message events, they ensure that e-mails sent to respondents contain the content needed to guide the participants.
This resource ensures that the respondents complete the surveys, which increases the participation rate.
See how to configure a template below:
Configuring a template
1. Access the Configuration > Template (SV026) menu.
2. Click on the button to add a new template.
3. On the screen that will open, enter an ID # and a name.
4. In the General tab, we must associate the template. If the “Controlled document” option is selected, the template will be a SoftExpert Document record. If the "External storage" option is selected, the template will be a file external to SoftExpert Suite.
5. To associate a controlled document, fill in the Document field using the button. To associate an external file, fill in the File field using the
5. After adding the external file or controlled document, click on the button to save the changes.

Configuring an external file with HTML/HTM
If the content of the template used is an external file with HTML/HTM extension, it will be possible to create tags with information (attributes) from the survey. Tags must have the <#id_atributte#> structure in order to be replaced with attribute values.
In <# #> tags, in addition to attribute identifiers, the system's own methods can be used:
- struppercase(<content>): changes the content passed as a parameter to upper case.
- strlowercase(<content>): changes the content passed as a parameter to lower case.
- strtofirst(<content>): shows the first part of the content passed as a parameter.
- strtolast(<content>): shows the last part of the content passed as a parameter.
- getNameUser(): shows the user's full name.
- getNameSurvey(): shows the survey name.
- getSurveyLink(): shows the link of the URL through which it is possible to access a survey in order to answer it.
Once the templates are configured, the e-mails sent to the respondents can be standardized.