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SoftExpert Maintenance tasks



  • Access to the My tasks menu.



Tasks are pending system activities for which a user is responsible. They are divided into two categories: execution and tracking.

The tracking section gathers the tasks for which the user is responsible, but which are executed by another user.

The execution section gathers all to-do tasks that the user needs to execute within a defined deadline or period.

SoftExpert Maintenance generates execution to-do tasks only. See further details on system-generated tasks:


Execution tasks

Execution approval

For this task to be generated, the standard activity associated in the activity plan must have execution approval configured.

Who receives it Members of the activity execution approval route.
When The activity execution is finished.
Purpose To approve the execution of asset maintenance, verification, or calibration.

Programming approval

For this task to be generated, the standard activity associated in the activity plan must have planning approval configured.

Who receives it Members of the activity programming approval route.
When The programming of the preventive maintenance or of the programmed maintenance is finished.
Purpose To approve the activity programming.

Downtime record approval

Who receives it Members of the downtime record approval route.
When The downtime record is finished.
Purpose To allow the responsible parties to approve the asset downtime.

Maintenance request execution

Who receives it Standard activity team responsible for executing the asset maintenance.
When The issue/approval step is finished by the due responsible parties in the Request component.
Purpose To allow the responsible parties to execute the maintenance requests.

Downtime record issuance

Who receives it Users from the team responsible for the asset.
When A downtime record has been created, but no end date has been set.
Purpose To track the assets whose usage has been interrupted in the system.

Activity execution

Who receives it Users from the team responsible for executing the activity, with said team being defined on the plan/programming data screen or in the standard activity of the activity during its creation.

Users will receive this task once:

  • The activity programming is finished, if the activity does not have approval configured.
  • The activity programming is approved, if the activity does not have approval configured.
Purpose To execute asset maintenance, verification, or calibration activities.

Action plan

For this task to be generated, the Request action plan for rejected maintenances of the "calibration" type option must be enabled in the general parameters.

Who receives it Users from the team responsible for the calibration of the asset.
When The calibration is rejected.
Purpose To allow the responsible parties to draft an action plan for rejected calibrations

Activity programming

Who receives it Users from the team responsible for the activity, with said team being defined on the plan/programming data screen.
When The activity has been programmed, but has not yet been sent to the approval/execution step.
Purpose To allow the responsible parties to finish the activity programming.

Calibration record

Who receives it Users from the team responsible for checking out the asset for calibration.
When The Check-out for calibration action is selected in the "Check-in from usage" step of an asset.
Purpose To create a new calibration plan for the asset.

Maintenance route

Who receives it Users from the team responsible for the maintenance route, with said team being defined on the maintenance route plan data screen.
When According to the frequency set on the maintenance route plan data screen.
Purpose To program/execute maintenance route activities.

Plan due date

Who receives it Users from the team responsible for the plan, users from the team responsible for the programming, and users from the team responsible for the maintenance, verification, or calibration execution.

This task will be generated as soon as any of the frequency criteria, defined in the activity plan, is met:

  • Date-based frequency: when the date of the next execution of the activity has passed already. Remember that advanced notification may have been configured for this task. In this case, the task aims to warn the responsible parties that the plan will expire soon.
  • Meter-based frequency: when the meter reading reaches the value defined for the frequency. Remember that advanced notification may have been configured for this task. In this case, the task aims to warn the responsible parties that the plan will expire soon.
Purpose To warn the responsible team that the activity plan is past due or close to the due date, as, in this case, a new programming and/or execution must be created for the activity.



As tasks are executed and finished, they are no longer displayed on the list of pending records of the to-do tasks menu.

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