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Forum is a resource available for the Knowledge base, Performance, Document, Portfolio, Project, and Training components.

It is currently possible to create and interact with forum topics from all mentioned components in the same location: Tools > Forum, in the general menu panel of the system.

See how the screen of the Forum menu works:

A - This button is used to create new topics in the forum.

B - These resources are available to locate a specific forum topic or filter topics from a certain component or group.

C - This panel lists all topic forums you are involved with.

D - Upon clicking on a forum topic, it will be opened in the highlighted area (D). It will allow viewing, replying to, or creating new comments in the topic.


Creating a discussion topic in the forum

1. To create a topic in the forum, access Tools > Forum.

2. Click on the Create topic button on the upper right corner of the screen.

3. On the screen that will be opened, enter the theme to be discussed in the Title field.

4. If the forum is related to a specific object from a component, select the object type of the component in Association type and the object itself in Object.

5. In the field of the Participants section, enter and select the users that should take part in the topic discussion.

6. Enable the Notify participants via e-mail when new messages are sent option if desired.

7. Save the configurations.

Thus, the topic will be ready, and it will be displayed in the Forum of all of its participants. Add comments to the topic to start the discussion, as displayed in the GIF below:

  • The Description mentioned in the steps is used to record important comments or rules regarding the discussion topic.
  • By adding comments, it is possible to check specific users among those defined as topic participants in the forum. To do so, simply type @ and select a user while typing your message. Once you publish the comment, the user will be notified.



The Forum menu only displays the discussion topics of which the logged user is part. That is, you will not view the topics in which you are not set as a participant.

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