Training - 2.2.2
Individual status by participant in collective trainings
From this version onwards, each participant in collective trainings will have their individual status, without depending on the training closure as a whole. Previously, all participants had to be evaluated to finish the training. Now, if a participant finishes their activities, their status in the training will be considered finished, regardless of the other participants. This means that the training matrix will be updated as soon as the participant finishes their activities, eliminating the need to wait for the end of the full training.
To make this change possible, the "Participant status" (PS) column has been added to the system participant data and listings. This column will indicate whether the training of the participant is to be started, in progress, closed, or cancelled.

The previous "Status" (S) column is now called "Result" (R), indicating whether the participant was approved, rejected, or not evaluated. Training start and end dates have also been individualized and will be displayed in the participant listings and in other reports.
In addition to making participant statuses clearer, this new resource has significant benefits when it comes to tracking and managing progress. Managers will have a more detailed vision of the status of each participant and will quickly identify their difficulties, enabling them to make faster decisions and provide customized support.
Status individualization also improves the user experience, as it provides flexibility and autonomy. Participants no longer have to wait to finish training and can advance in their own rhythm.

Individual cancellation by participant
The feature to individually cancel a training has also been implemented! Now, instead of deleting an enrolled participant who has not finished the training, for example, the responsible party can simply cancel their participation.

For the cancellation, it will only be necessary to fill out an explanation to maintain a history of the record:

Moreover, upon cancelling the user participation, all of their evaluations will be finished as incomplete, and their access to the content will be invalidated. However, the training history will be kept, and the previously closed evaluations will not be deleted.
When the action of inactivating a training participant is enabled in the general parameters, from now on, the system will simply cancel the participant instead of deleting them. If necessary, after cancellation, it is possible to reactivate them in the training, returning to the previous status.
Gamification for learning
The gamification feature has been introduced to SoftExpert Training, fully transforming the learning experience of users. The introduction of elements such as challenges, points, and gaming rewards will make the learning process more dynamic and incentivize users to participate.
One of the main benefits of this implementation is the increase in motivation and engagement. By turning learning into a ludic and challenging experience, gamification will stimulate participants to dedicate themselves to trainings, aiming to overcome goals and acquire rewards.
This motivation makes the learning process more pleasant and increases training effectiveness, as it ensures greater knowledge and ability retention throughout time.
In this first moment, the following events will be available for training gamification:

This new feature will provide greater interaction between users, creating a more united and collaborative community. Through shared challenges, rankings, and friendly competition, participants will have the opportunity of collaborating, exchanging experiences, and mutually learning.
Education makes learning more stimulating and strengthens bonds between users, creating an environment that facilitates the personal and professional growth of all involved parties.
For further details on this resource, access the release notes for the new Gamification component.
Change status button to cancel/reopen training
The Cancel/Reopen training is now the Change status button, that is, its icon and token have been updated. Existing features remain the same, ensuring user familiarity with the process. This standardization not only maintains consistency, but also improves usability and user experience. Enjoy a more intuitive and efficient navigation

View the latest improvements made to this component: