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Creating critical success factors (CSFs)


  • Access to the File > Critical success factor (PM014) menu.



Critical success factors (CSFs) define necessary elements for an organization or process to achieve its goals. 

See below how to create a CSF. To do so, keep in mind that the CSF will only make sense when directed to a specific process.


Creating a critical success factor

1. Access the File > Critical success factor (PM014) menu.

2. Click on the button.

3. On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name.

4. If necessary, enter additional data on the critical success factor in the Description field.

5. Once the records are finished, click on .



After creating the necessary CSFs, the next step is to associate them with the process. To do so, refer to the Creating the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) of a process article.

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