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How to search for portals




To search for a portal, access Portals > See all in the general menu panel of SoftExpert Suite. At this point, the list of all portals to which you have access will be displayed.

On the upper part of the screen, there are two resources that allow for locating portals in the list: the Search field and the Filters button.

See how to use these resources:


Finding a portal through the Search field

When searching through the Search field, portals will be filtered by title only.

Use the search field to locate a portal through its name. To do that, enter the name or part of the portal description and press ENTER. At this point, the corresponding portals will be displayed.


Finding a portal through the Filters

Filters are used to search for portals by the groups to which they belong.

Click on the Filters button and select the group through which you wish to filter the portals. The following options are available:

  • Author: Filters the portals by their authors. A screen will be added to search for and select the authors.
  • Share: Filters the portals by public or private access.
  • Categories: Filters the portals of one or more specific categories.
  • Following: Filters the portals that the user is or is not following.
  • Changed on: Filters the portals based on their edit dates. A screen will be added to select the period to be used as a filter.
  • Mobile Friendly: Filters portals that are available on mobile, that is, portals in which the "Available in mobile version" option has been checked.



Now you can easily locate the desired portals!

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