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Creating an event log


  • Access to the Management > Event log (SP026) menu.
  • Access to the Execution > Data collection (SP006) menu.
  • Previously created data collection.



After configuring the event log rules and defining an occurrence, it is possible to create the event log. 

This feature is used to store records and, later, analyze the performance of collections created in the system.

It is possible to create a manual event log. See the steps for these configurations below. 

Creating a manual event log

1. Access the Management > Event log (SP026) menu.

2. On the screen that will open, click on the More > 3 quadrants buttons.

3. Select a data collection and, in the 3rd quadrant, click on the button.

4. Then, fill out the # of samples field to indicate the number of samples that will be analyzed.

5. Select the Occurrence field and fill out the Explanation field.

6. Once done, click on


Creating an automatic event log

1. Access the Execution > Data collection (SP006) menu.

2. On the screen that will be opened, select a collection record.

3. Click on the button.

4. Fill out the collection reading. In this example, we will use a value that does not fit the rules configured in the event log. 

5. Click on the Save and next characteristic button.

6. Note that, upon breaking an event log rule, the Event log screen will be displayed. 

7. Then, fill out the Occurrence and Explanation fields.

8. After doing that, click on the Save button. 

Thus, it is possible to note that, while the manual event log will be used to identify a problem, the automatic event log will be triggered when the rules are not met.

To learn more about event log rules, access the Configuring the event log rules article.




This article has taught you to create a manual or automatic event log to analyze the collections created in the system. Now that the event log is duly recorded, it is possible to analyze the event log causes. To do so, access the Analyzing an event log article.

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