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Changing the number of chart points


  • Access to the Management > Collection tracking (SP004) menu.
  • Previously created data collection.



By default, the system considers 25 points to perform the calculations and display them in the charts. However, it is possible to edit this value to consider more or less points. 

The time to calculate and display the charts is directly affected by the number of points considered: the more points, the more time needed to calculate and display the values.

See below an example of how to change the number of points:


Customizing the number of chart points

1. Access the Management > Collection tracking (SP004) menu.

2. Select a collection.

3. Click on the button.

4. On the Characteristic tab, select a characteristic.

5. Click on the button.

6. Change the value of the # of chart points field.

7. To finish, click on the button.



This article has covered the customization of the number of chart points, which directly influences the calculation time. To explore other data collection characteristic configurations, refer to the Configuring a characteristic for collection article.

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