Tracking a data collection
- Access to the Management > Collection tracking (SP004) menu.
- Previously created data collection.
- User who is part of the collection analysis team.
In this step, users associated with the collection can edit the collection data and access features such as disabling samples and finishing, blocking, postponing, or enabling collections, among others.
See below an example of the use of the features available in the tracking menu.
Tracking a collection
1. Access the Management > Collection tracking (SP004) menu.
2. On the screen that will be opened, select the desired collection.
3. Click on the More button. Thus, the complementary features will be displayed.
4. Then, click on the button to access the features on the collection tracking screen.
5. Select a characteristic and click on the Results button.
List of available features
- Characteristic result.
- Viewing charts.
- Creating nonconformities.
- Recording event logs.
- Recording data via spreadsheet.
- Adding, editing, or deleting samples.
- Disabling one or more samples.
- Clearing collection data.
- Postponing, finishing, enabling, and unblocking collections.
- Copying collections.
This article has taught you to understand the collection tracking process and to access the features available for this step.
See other operations related to this step: