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Validating position requirements






When accessing an employee profile through the management menu, it is possible to check whether the employee meets the requirements mapped for the positions assigned to them during the organizational mapping, in addition to mapping individual requirements.

See how to perform this operation:


Validating position requirements

1. Access the Management > Employee profile (AD006) menu.

2. Search for the desired profile, select it, and click on the button.

3. Select the Position requirements tab.

4. The Requirements panel, located on the left side of the screen, displays the requirement types, grouped by the department and position associated with the employee. Select the desired option for the information to be displayed:


This section presents the competences mapped for the employee's position, the level required for the employee to be considered qualified to perform the role assigned to them, and, if a competence evaluation has been carried out, the system also displays the evaluated level, the competence score, and the date on which the evaluation took place. 

On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to individually map a competence for the employee. See below how to perform this operation.
Click on this button to edit the data of a competence selected in the list of records. The fields available for editing may vary depending on the competence mapping type.
Click on this button to delete a competence selected in the list of records. This button will only be available for individually mapped competences.
Click on this button to add an express evaluation. This option will be available if the competence selected in the list of records has not been evaluated; see more details below.  
If a competence that has undergone express evaluation is selected in the list of records, the options for editing and deleting the performed express evaluation will be enabled.  
This button will not be available for competences evaluated through competence evaluation.
Click on this button to view the evaluation data of the competence selected in the list of records (whether it is an initial or a competence evaluation). This button will not be enabled for competences that have not yet been evaluated.
Click on this button to view the position competences radar chart. This chart presents a comparison of the competences mapped for the employee's position and the competences evaluated for said employee.


Mapping competences

1. Click on the button.

2. Select the competence desired for the employee.

3. Enter the required proficiency level.

4. Choose the weight of the competence.

5. In the Requirement field, define whether the competence will be required or desirable.

6. Click on the button.


Creating an express evaluation

1. Select a competence that has not been evaluated and click on the button.

2. Select the employee's proficiency level as to the competence.

3. In the Appraiser field, select the user who evaluated the competence. The field will be automatically filled in with the logged user's data, but it can be edited.

4. In the Evaluation date field, select the date on which the competence evaluation took place. This field will be automatically filled in with the date on which the express evaluation is being created, but it can be edited.

5. Enter an explanation for the proficiency level assigned to the employee, if necessary.

6. Click on the button.

Competences are created and evaluated via SoftExpert Competence.



This section displays the courses and paths mapped for the employee's position. 

On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to add a new course or path individually mapped for the employee. See below how to perform this operation.
Click on this button to edit the requirement or to write comments about the course/path selected in the list of records.
Click on this button to delete a course/path selected in the list of records. This button will be available only for individually mapped courses.
Click on this button to view data on the current training or on the next scheduled training, if any, referring to the course selected in the list of records.


Adding a course or path

1. Click on the button.

2. In the Course field, select the course or training path in which the employee must participate.

3. In the Requirement field, define whether the course/path will be required or desirable so that the employee is considered qualified to perform the role assigned to them. 

4. Click on the button.

Courses and paths are created and executed via SoftExpert Training.



This section displays the professional experiences mapped for the employee's position. 

On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Click on this button to add a professional experience individually mapped for the employee. See below how to perform this operation.
Click on this button to edit the data of the professional experience selected in the list of records. The fields enabled for editing may vary depending on whether the selected experience has been mapped individually or for the position.
Click on this button to delete a professional experience individually mapped for the employee. This button will not be enabled if the selected experience has been mapped for their position.
Click on this button to view the position experience radar chart. This chart presents a comparison of the experiences mapped for the employee's position and their actual experiences.


Adding an experience

1. Click on the button.

2. Select the desired experience.

3. In the Requirement field, define whether the experience will be required or desirable.

4. In the Status field, define whether the employee is considered qualified or unqualified for the experience.

5. Enter the experience time required for the position, and the employee's actual experience time.

6. Click on the button.


Educational level

This section presents the educational levels mapped for the employee's position. 

Next to the Educational level field in the Required and Desirable sections, icons will be displayed to indicate whether the employee's educational level meets (qualified) or does not meet (unqualified) the mapped educational level requirements.



This section presents the authorities mapped for the employee's position. 

Click on the button to view the data of the authority selected in the list of records.



This section presents the responsibilities mapped for the employee's position. 

Click on the button to view the data of the responsibility selected in the list of records.



This section presents the description provided in the Department x Position relationship when the department was created.


Next to each requirement, the system displays an icon indicating the status of the employee in relation to the requirements that have been mapped in order for the role assigned to this employee to be performed in the department to which they belong. 

If the employee does not meet a requirement, they will be considered unqualified. If all requirements are met, the employee will be considered qualified. The employee's current status can be viewed through the DPS (Department and position status) column of the list of records found in the Management > Employee profile (AD006) menu.

Organizational mapping can be performed via the Administration, Competence, and Training components.




By tracking all the requirements, it is possible to identify whether the employee is qualified for their position and create development plans when necessary.

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