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This resource allows users to give and request feedback from their co-workers and manage all feedback in the same location: Tools > Feedback, in the general menu panel of the system.

See how the screen will be displayed:

A - This section lists all feedback related to your user, both that you have received and that you have given to other co-workers.

B - This section displays feedback and feedback requests that you have saved as draft and have not sent. To save feedback or feedback requests as draft, at the end of their creation screens, click on Save as draft.

C - This section lists all feedback requests sent by you that have yet to be returned.

D - This panel lists all resources available for you to find feedback, drafts, or specific requests in the list of records of these three sections.

E - Click on this button to create and give feedback to a co-worker. See further details in the How to give or request feedback topic below.

F - Click on this button to request feedback from a co-worker. See further details in the How to give or request feedback topic below.


How to give or request feedback

The video below will give you an overview of the resource and a practical example of giving or requesting feedback. Click on Play or watch directly on YouTube:

 As mentioned in the video, by default, SoftExpert Suite will be configured to allow only the leader to give feedback to their subordinates, who will only be able to request feedback from their leader.

It is possible to configure the resource to allow employees to give feedback to their peers and their immediate leader.

To do so, access the SoftExpert Administration > General parameters (AD033) menu and perform the necessary configurations in the Feedback section.

Feedback can also be given through the Feedback button in the Employee profile.

The screen that will be opened is the same as the one displayed in the video, from the Tools > Feedback menu.


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