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Saved searches



SoftExpert Suite allows for saving searches performed in the system, which makes them readily available for access whenever necessary.

The Tools menu of the general menu panel of the system makes the Saved searches resource available to center the saved searches from all system components.

See how the screen of the Saved searches menu works:

A - Button that leads to the configuration screen of the saved searches. In it, it is possible to view all searches at once, without separating them by component, and to edit or delete a search.

B - This is the list of all saved searches organized by component. Simply click on the desired component to access them.

Once the screen with all searches for the component is opened, click on the search you wish to view. You will be sent to the specific screen of that search: 


Managing saved searches

After clicking on the button, the My saved searches configuration screen will be opened. It displays the searches saved by the logged user both in the "private" and "public" modes, in addition to default system searches, created by the administrator user in the SoftExpert Configuration > Configuration > Saved searches (CM018) menu. 

See how to use this screen to manage your searches: 

Using the New only button (A), it is possible to filter for only searches saved recently to be displayed.

Below that, the list of records (B) is divided into two columns that display the screen to which the search belongs, the search itself, and the actions that can be performed in it.

It is not possible to execute actions in the default searches, but there are two options for searches saved by the user:

Click on the button to edit a saved search. On the screen that will open, enter a new name for the search and/or edit the sharing type (from "Private" to "Public" or vice-versa). Once the changes are made, click on the Save button.
Click on the button to delete a saved search.


Click on the Public searches button displayed in the image below to open the Shared searches screen. 

It will list the searches saved by other system users in "public" mode.

See how to use this screen to manage the searches that were shared with you:

Use the New only button (A) to view recently saved searches only.

Click on the search box in the Choose the searches you wish to use field (B) to search for specific searches. Enter the name or ID # of the screen or the search author to filter the results.

Use the button on the Add column (C) to add the public search to the list of your searches. Thus, the search will be displayed on the My saved searches tab identified as a Public search.

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