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Designing a form





After creating both the table and the form, we can access the designer of the form to build it. 

During this process, we add all the fields that must be completed by the users when executing the form. Moreover, when designing it, we can create rules to manipulate its fields and the data inserted in them.

See how to design a form:


Designing a form

1. Access the File > Form (FO005) menu.

2. Select the previously created form.

3. Click on the arrow next to the button and select the Form designer option.

4. With the designer screen open, start building the form:

Refer to the How to configure rules in the web form article for further details on Rule configuration.



Configurations available for the elements of the form

After adding each one of the desired components, we can use the Properties panel to edit them.  

See the editing options available in the panel:


ID # Enter an ID # for the item.
Title Enter a name for the item. The name is the text that will be presented next to or above each field in the form. If localization is enabled on the form data screen, the button will be displayed for the user to insert the translation for the title of this item or field.

Each form field must be associated with a table field. Select the table of the previously created field that will be associated with the form field or use the button to create a new field in the table.

This section is shown for the following items: Input, Checkbox, Radio button, SpinInput, Date, Time, File, Text, and Image

The system will display only the table fields that correspond to the type of the selected item. For example: for Checkbox items, fields of the Boolean type will be presented; for Text items, fields of the Text type with 4000 characters will be presented.

Value Enter the value referring to the option.  
This section is shown for items of the Radio button type.
Completion order Enter the number that will correspond to the order in which the item will be completed in the form.  
This section is shown for the following items: Input, List of values, Checkbox, Radio button, SpinInput, Text, Date, Time, and File.
Display mode Define whether the list of values will be shown as a ComboBox or Zoom.  
This section is shown only for items of the List of values type.
Data source

This section is shown for the following items: Grid, List of values, and Button.   
For an item of the Grid type, configure the relationship that will be used by the grid. As for items of the List of values or Button type, configure the data source to be used in the selected item. Data sources may be tables, datasets, or web services.  
For further details on grid or data source configuration, refer to the following articles:

Editable grid This section is shown only for the Grid item.  
Check this field so that it is possible to enter data directly in the grid, without the need to open another form to fill it out. It is possible to fill in fields of the Text, Decimal, Number, Date, Time, and Boolean types. File and list-of-value fields cannot be edited directly in the grid.  
Since there are no grid subforms, field formulas will not be executed, but the grid change formula will be applied as usual.
Font size Select the font size for the title.  
This section is shown for the Title and Form revision items.
Template  Select the template that has the image to be used in the form image or button.  
In the case of the image item, it is possible to check the Real size option in order for the image to be displayed in its original size.
Display revision date Check this option so that the revision date is also shown in the form revision component.

The following fields will be displayed for the Signature item only:

  • Signature type: define whether the form will be signed in writing or from an image. The first option allows for writing within a predefined area.
  • Fields: select the table fields that will await the user's signature, name, and ID.
  • Display: select whether the name and/or ID of the user will be shown along with their signature.
  • Restricted to: restricts the fields so that only a certain user can sign. For example: only the company's CEO can sign.


Input Click on the button to configure the input formula that will be executed when a value is inserted in the item.
Output Click on the button to configure the output formula that will be executed when a value is inserted in the item.
Change Click on the button to configure the formula that will be executed when a value is changed in the item.
Click Click on the button to configure the formula that will be executed when the item is clicked.


Required When this option is selected, completing the field will be mandatory, and the icon will be shown next to the field to indicate this requirement.  
This section is shown for the following items: Input, List of values, SpinInput, Date, Time, File, and Text.
Disabled When this option is selected, the component is disabled and cannot be filled out or edited.  
This section is shown for the following items: Input, List of values, Checkbox, Radio button, SpinInput, Date, Time, File, Text, Grid, and Button.
Hidden When this option is selected, the component will not be displayed in the form.  
This section is shown for the following items: Input, List of values, Checkbox, Radio button, SpinInput, Date, Time, File, Text, Grid, FieldSet, Title, Button, and Image.


Width Enter the desired width for the item.
Height Enter the desired height for the item.

For further details on how to configure a Data source for items of the Button type, refer to the Fetching external data via dataset article.




With the responsive form fields added, additional configurations can be set. Refer to the articles listed below to learn how to make such adjustments:

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