Executing the critical analysis of a survey
- Answered survey or test.
- Access to the My tasks > Survey critical analysis menu or to the Execution > Survey execution (SV028) menu.
Critical analysis allows survey results to be assessed in detail. Through this resource, it is possible to start an action plan in SoftExpert Action plan or an instance in SoftExpert Workflow.
Critical analysis must be enabled during the creation of a survey type. To learn more, access the Configuring a survey type article.
After everyone has answered a survey, the critical analysis task must be executed by the user responsible for it.
See how to perform this operation below:
Executing the critical analysis task
1. Access the My tasks > Survey critical analysis menu.
2. Select the desired record and click on the button to execute it.
3. On the screen that will open, fill in the COMMENT field with an analysis of the survey.
4. In the Occurrence section, it is possible to add or associate action plans and workflows using the side toolbar. For addition, click on the button, and, for association, click on the
5. After providing the desired information, click on Save and next step.
6. Answer the question “Do you wish to send survey to next step?” with Confirm to finish the task.
7. Then, if the record has been configured with the critical analysis approval step or with the closure step in the survey type, it will go through them. Otherwise, it will be finished.

The critical analysis provides the Occurrence section. In it, improvements can be planned and actions can be taken by associating a workflow or an action plan. For this feature to work correctly, the SoftExpert Action plan and SoftExpert Workflow components must be part of the solutions acquired by your organization.
SoftExpert Workflow
The component allows for associating and adding instances based on workflow types or template processes.
To add an instance, follow the steps below:
1. Expand the button from the side toolbar and click on the Workflow option.
2. On the screen that will open, check the Process option or the Workflow type option.
3. Then, insert the Instance title.
4. Finally, click on the button to associate it with the survey.
To associate an existing instance, follow the steps below:
1. Click on the button from the side toolbar.
2. On the screen that will open, select the Workflow tab.
3. Use the Keyword, Process, and Starter fields to filter the records.
4. Click on the button to search for the record.
5. Select the desired record and click on the button to associate it with the survey.
SoftExpert Action plan
The component allows for associating and adding action plans that can bring improvements or solve organizational problems found after the conduction of a survey.
To add an action plan, follow the steps below:
1. Expand the button from the side toolbar and click on the Action plan option.
2. On the screen that will open, select the Blank action plan option or the Action plan from a template option. If you select Blank action plan, choose the Category of this action plan. For the Action plan from a template option, the template must be selected.
3. Then, create the new action plan through its data screen. Access the Planning an action plan or Planning an action plan from a template article and learn more.
4. Finally, click on the button to associate it with the survey.
To associate an existing action plan, follow the steps below:
1. Click on the button from the side toolbar.
2. On the screen that will open, select the Action plan tab.
3. Use the Keyword, Responsible for action plan, and Category fields to filter the records.
4. Click on the button to search for the record.
5. Select the desired record and click on the button to associate it with the survey.
Thus, the analysis of the record has been carried out. Based on that, decisions and improvements can be made considering the results of the survey or test.