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Configuring a transmittal form type



  • Access to the Configuration > Transmittal form > Transmittal form type (DC048) menu.



The document transmittal form type gathers the main configurations that the transmittal form records should have.

In the type, in addition to general information, attributes, and security, the object data is defined, which contains the metadata that will be displayed as a column, in Details > Object on the transmittal form data screens, and the specific controls of the transmittal forms that will be created from this type.

Thus, the first step to using a transmittal form is to configure the type according to the forms that will be created. See how to perform the configuration:


Configuring a transmittal form type

Watch the video below to learn how to configure a transmittal form type:

For further details on the Attribute tab, refer to the What is an attribute? article.

For further details on the Identification mask field, refer to the What is an identification mask? article.




Now that the transmittal form type has been configured, the next step is to issue the document transmittal form.

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