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Process - 2.2.1


Migration of functional roles to teams: improving the executor definition

From this version onwards, functional roles will be migrated to teams, allowing you to use teams to define executors and create groups in a simpler, more effective way.

This change offers a more versatile approach to the assignment of tasks, as it is now possible to configure teams based on the needs of a process.

Moreover, in the team, it is possible to use other subdivisions, such as departments, positions, and additional teams, providing an extra level of flexibility and adaptability.

With the migration of functional roles to teams, you can use the existing team structure to optimize resource allocation and simplify task management. This results in processes that are more agile, efficient, and adjusted to the complexities of your organization.

The system will perform this migration automatically, creating teams that correspond to each functional role.

It is worth noting that the system will add an asterisk (*) suffix to all teams that will be created from the migrated functional roles, in order to ensure that their identifiers are unique.



Content retention configuration improvements for intelligent data management

From this version onwards, it is possible to configure retention levels for different content types, enabling more precise and economical data management.

This improvement provides greater control and efficiency in process and content retention.

You can now define specific deadlines for the deletion of several elements, such as attachments, history, message event e-mail records, and workflows.

For example, you can schedule the deletion of attachments to be after 6 months, the history after 1 year, the e-mail records after 2 years, and the workflows after 3 years.

This feature provides an effective way of optimizing information storage in the database, eliminating unnecessary data and saving valuable space.

Customized retention allows you to adapt the configuration according to the specific needs of your process and your organization.


Precise workflow history control - new levels and event customization

From this version onwards, you can define the detailing level of the history, choosing between three options: Summarized, Complete, or Customized.

This update gives greater control and customization to the workflow history.

By choosing the Customized level, you can choose which specific events must be recorded in the history. This provides unprecedented flexibility to adapt the history according to the needs of your process and your team.

This feature ensures a precise and relevant history of workflow activities, without overloading the system with unnecessary information.

You can now customize the history to meet your priorities and specific objectives.

Explore this improvement and make use of a refined workflow history control.

Increasing simulation precision: Seconds configuration in activity duration

Now, when configuring a simulation scenario, you can define the duration of an activity within seconds of detail.

We know that the simulation holds a crucial role in evaluating and optimizing processes, and every detail counts.

With the ability to configure the activity duration in seconds, you can create extremely precise simulations, ensuring results truly reflect the process behavior.

This feature is particularly valuable for processes that require a high level of precision in terms of time, such as critical operations, production, and logistics.

You can now adjust the simulation scenarios to consider not only minutes but also seconds, making your analyses even more reliable.


Easily tracking the process validity

From this version onwards, the validity date of each process will be displayed directly in the creation and view listings.

This update makes process validity management even simpler and more transparent.

This addition provides a quick and intuitive way of checking the validity of processes, allowing users to keep precise control of their statuses.

Moreover, it is worth noting that SoftExpert Process offers automatic validity control, generating tasks for process revalidation whenever necessary.

With this feature, you will have a complete vision of the validity of your processes, ensuring they are always updated and compliant.


View the latest improvements made to this component:

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