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Learn about SoftExpert OKR


SoftExpert OKR is composed of two main elements: the Objective (O) and its Key results (KR). The objective is a qualitative declaration that expresses the goal in an inspiring and challenging way. Key results are quantitative indicators that measure the success of the objective in a specific, tangible way.

This is a fundamental tool for companies that wish to implement and track the objective and key result methodology!

Aiming for strategic management, users can create organizational objectives through SoftExpert OKR, defining clear goals to be achieved within a certain period and the key results that must be obtained for the objective to be reached.

One of the main advantages of this component is the ability to monitor, in real-time, the progress of each objective and key result. This allows for quick and assertive decision-making.



What are its characteristics?

When accessing the component, you will see it is divided into the following menus:

Configuration Menu used to configure objective and key result attributes, as well as teams responsible for specific functions.
File Menu used to create periods established for the achievement of objectives.
Objective Menu used to create, edit, and monitor objectives and their respective key results, depending on the access level. It is also used to close an objective.
View Menu used to view the check-in tasks that have not been finished, that is, those that wait for the current value of the key result to be entered.


Shall we start?

By following the steps of the flow below, you will be able to configure and operate SoftExpert OKR successfully:

Articles that are part of this flow display the creation of an objective to increase customer satisfaction and of key results to achieve it.

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