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Edit the validity of an environmental license

An important part of waste management is the management of the environmental license, which includes monitoring the license operation validity.

This topic will teach you to configure the system to send notifications regarding the license expiration.

To do that, simply follow these steps:


1st step: Configuring the anticipation of the license expiration

Anticipating the license expiration aims to warn the user that there is a license close to due date. It allows the organization to start a new environmental license, before the current license expires, avoiding company operations under the expired license.

1. To configure the license expiration anticipation. access the General parameters (WA025) menu and click on the button.

2. Access the Environmental license tab.

3. Fill out the Days in advance field with the time before the license expiration notification is sent.

Click on the button.


2nd step: Creating an environmental license

To create an environmental license, access the WA007 menu and click on the button.

On the screen that will be opened, enter the ID # "00002" and the name "Environmental license".

In the Issue date field, enter the date in which the license was issued, which will be "11/04/2020" for this case.

In the Validity date field, enter the date on which the license will expire, which will be "02/01/2022" for this case.

Now, in the Responsible field, click on the button and define the user responsible for the license, which will be your user in this case.

Click on the button.

To generate an Environmental license due date task, it is necessary to enter, in the Validity field, an expired date or a date within the anticipation period configured in the 1st step (in the General parameters). 

For example, the date you have registered, minus 15 days. Or, in natural cases, the task will be generated once the license expires.

An expired date was suggested in this case to show, in the following step, how to increase the deadline of a license.


3rd step: Increasing the license deadline

Access the My Tasks > Environmental license due date menu and search for the environmental license recorded in the previous step.

To increase the license deadline, there are two options:

1. Editing the previously established date

Select the task with the expired license and click on the button.

On the screen that will be opened, change the date of the Validity field to a future date.

Click on the button.

2. Creating a new license

Select the task with the expired license and click on the button.

On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # as "0003".

Then, enter a date in the Validity field.

Click on the button.

Now, still in the Environmental license due date task list, select the task with the old ID # again.

Click on the More button on the upper toolbar.

Then, click on the button and confirm the system message to disable the expired license.

In this case, only the license with the new ID # and validity will be valid!

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