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Associating attributes with the event log


  • Access to the Management > Event log (SP026) menu.
  • Access to the Configuration > General parameters (SP019) menu.
  • Access to the Management > Collection tracking (SP004) menu.
  • Previously created data collection.
  • Event log recorded for the collection.



After creating the event log, it is possible to use attributes to complement the information in the log.

Attributes can be associated directly with specific collections or configured in the general parameters to be automatically associated with all created collections. 

See below the steps for each case. 


Associating attributes with the event log for all collections

1. Access the Configuration > General parameters (SP019) menu.

2. Access the Event log tab. 

3. In the Event log attribute section, click on the button.

4. Then, select the desired attributes.

5. Once done, simply click on the button.


Associating attributes with the event log for specific collections

1. Access the Management > Collection tracking (SP004) menu.

2. Select the collection with which the attributes will be associated and click on the button.

3. Then, access the Event log attribute tab.

4. On the screen that will open, click on the button.

5. Select the attributes you wish to associate with the event log.

6. Once done, simply click on the button.



After associating the attributes with the event log with all necessary information, the next step is to analyze the event log causes. To do so, access the Analyzing an event log article.

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