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Executing a data collection


  • Access to the Execution > Data collection (SP006) menu.
  • Previously created data collection.
  • User who is part of the collection execution team.



The collection execution may vary according to the previous configurations, but overall, it is possible to classify them according to the following categories:

Manual execution

The user must manually enter the reading values. It can be subdivided into:

XLS spreadsheet: The system allows downloading a file in the .xls format to be filled out locally and later importing data through this spreadsheet.

Execution to-do task: When a frequency is configured for the characteristics, the system generates the to-do task for the user to collect the data close to the due date.

Execution screen: Parties responsible for the execution have access to this menu to execute data collections.


Automatic execution

Data is acquired without the need to type it, reducing errors regarding data completion. The forms of execution of this type are:

CMM: The acronym for Coordinate-measuring machines. In this execution, the output file is configured in the system and it is possible to import data through scheduling. 

Scale: It can be configured in SoftExpert Asset and in the collection execution. Data is acquired with a simple click.

Measurement gage: Sends the data and can be connected directly to the computer no configuration is necessary to obtain the data. 


To learn more, see below a collection configuration example, without frequency control, with a product that is not in stock. As it has no frequency, the user can execute the collection at any moment.


Executing a collection 

1. Access the Execution > Data collection (SP006) menu.

2. On the screen that will be opened, select the desired collection.

3. Click on the button.

4. Then, fill out the readings if the characteristic type is variable, or the number of items if the characteristic type is Attribute.

5. Once done, click on the Save and next characteristic button. After filling out all characteristics, the system will notify that the sample is finished.



This article has taught you about the execution step of a collection. To learn more about defining the collection frequency for each characteristic, refer to the Configuring the collection frequency article.

See other operations related to collection execution:

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