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Requirement monitoring



• Access to the Execution > Monitoring (REQ023) menu. 
• Requirement mapped.



After creating and mapping the requirements, it is possible to monitor the applicability and implementation of the requirements in the organization. Thus, it is possible to check if it is in accordance with the policies and guidelines established for the business. 

To do so, the Monitoring screen is used, in which it is possible to view the general data and the requirement structure, as well as the mapping result.


Monitoring a requirement

The requirement monitoring data screen is not much different from the screens covered in the Configuring a requirement structure and Mapping requirements articles; the difference is that there are no changes made through monitoring it is only possible to check information regarding the current requirement implementation status.

Monitoring displays the vision of the requirement in the entire organization. By gathering requirement and mapping information, it is possible to view the applicability and the implementation of the compliance, if actions are being taken towards the implementation, such as the application of an action plan, and other options.

See how the screen will be displayed:

A - Toolbar.

B - Requirement structure.

C - Details of the requirement selected in the structure.

D - Button that allows manually recalculating the requirement coverage. Remember that the calculation is performed considering the requirement sheets, and its result is displayed in the Applicable and Implemented columns.

E - Button that allows viewing the data screen of the requirement selected in the structure.

F - Access to the mapping summary. Available only when a requirement sheet is selected in the structure.

Additional information on structure columns

• Applicable: the column displays two information types; if the requirement has sub-requirements, it will display the number of requirement sheets defined as applicable or not during mapping. When it comes to requirement sheets, two markups are displayed: for not applicable requirements and for applicable requirements.

• Implemented: this column displays the percentage of implementation of the requirements. To obtain the value of the upper-level requirements, the arithmetic mean of the implementation of all lower-level requirements is performed; remember that the calculation only considers applicable requirement sheets. For example, in a requirement that has 4 sheet requirements, two of which are applicable and two are not, the calculation will be done as follows: (0 + 100 + 0 + 100) / 4 = 50%. Thus, the percentage of implementation of the upper-level requirement will be 50%.

• Wf: indicates whether the requirement has workflows related to it.

• AP: indicates whether the requirement has action plans related to it.

• A: indicates whether the requirement has attachments related to it.

• D: indicates whether the requirement has documents related to it.



To access the screen and analyze the information, perform the following steps:

1. Access the Execution > Monitoring (REQ023) menu.

2. Click on Search to find the desired record. If necessary, use the quick search to search for the requirement ID # or name.

3. Select the requirement and click on .

The list of records of the Monitoring menu will only display the requirements whose first revision is released.




The analysis of information on the monitoring screen provides greater security for future audits, as it ensures that requirements have been duly mapped and implemented in the organization.

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