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Configuring a request type


  • Access to the Configuration > Request type (SR016) menu.
  • Component referring to the object type as part of the solutions acquired by your organization.



A request type is a record responsible for categorizing and gathering the main configurations of requests saved in the system.

For this reason, it is important to configure said type considering the requests that will be created from it.

To issue a maintenance request, for example, the selected type must be configured with the "Maintenance" object type.

In this article, all resources a type provides will be described and, as an example, a request type for issuing document requests will be created.


Configuring a request type

Watch the video below to learn how to configure a request type:

The object types and their corresponding operations available in the request type are specified below, separated by component. Expand the accordion by clicking on the arrow:

Object types

SoftExpert Time control

Object type Operation Request execution
Nonproject task Creation The Request execution task will be sent to the defined responsible party for them to create the requested nonproject task.

SoftExpert Asset

Object type Operation Request execution
Asset Revision The Revision request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to revise the requested asset.
Purchase The Purchase request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to record the requested asset purchase.

SoftExpert Document

Object type Operation Request execution
Document Creation

The Request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to create, revise, cancel, or print the requested document.


The print request is sent to the team responsible for the copy station, with said team being defined in the document category, in the Control > Printed copy section, or to the users with "Distribute copy" permission in the document security record.

Keyword This request does not generate a task. The keyword is created at the moment of issuing the request, through the Name field. Upon issuance, the keyword will be made available in the Keyword (DC004) menu of SoftExpert Document.

SoftExpert Portfolio

Object type Operation Request execution
Initiative Creation The Request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to create the requested portfolio.

SoftExpert Supply

Object type Operation Request execution
Supply Revision The Revision request task will be sent to the responsible party for them to revise the requested supply.
The Supply order task will be sent to the responsible party for them to execute the requested supply order.
Output event The Output event request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to deliver the requested supply.

SoftExpert PDM

Object type Operation Request execution
Item Revision The Revision request task will be sent to the responsible party for them to revise the requested item.
The Item order task will be sent to the responsible party for them to execute the requested item order.

SoftExpert Maintenance

Object type Operation Request execution
Maintenance Calibration record The Calibration record task will be sent to the responsible party for them to record the requested calibration.
WO execution
The Maintenance request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to execute the requested WO.

SoftExpert Action plan

Object type Operation Request execution
Action plan Creation The Request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to create the requested action plan.
Reschedule action
The Action rescheduling request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to redo the planning of the requested action.

SoftExpert Process

Object type Operation Request execution
Process Creation The Request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to create the requested process.
The Revision request task will be sent to the responsible party for them to revise the requested process.

SoftExpert Project

Object type Operation Request execution
Program Creation The Request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to create or revise the requested program or project.
Project Creation

SoftExpert Risk

Object type Operation Request execution
Risk Control evaluation The Request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to evaluate the requested control or risk.
Risk evaluation

SoftExpert Training

Object type Operation Request execution
Training Creation The Training request execution task will be sent to the responsible party for them to create the requested training.
  • Remember: available object types vary according to the components acquired by your organization. Request execution tasks are sent to the component to which the object types belong.
  • Timesheet request has been discontinued.
  • Click here to learn how to use identification masks.
  • Click here to learn how to use checklists.
  • Click here to learn how to configure the Security tab.
  • Click here to learn how to create an evaluation method in order to define the Priority tab.
  • Click here to learn how to use the resource of the Approval tab.



Now that the request type is configured, the next step is to issue the request.

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