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Creating challenges



  • Access to the Challenge (GM003) menu.
  • The SoftExpert Training, SoftExpert Document, and SoftExpert Workflow components must be part of the solutions acquired by the organization.



SoftExpert Gamification starts operating when a challenge is created. 

Challenges are recorded with the intention of engaging employees. During their creation, the action triggers in the components, the reward in points, the badge, and the description are defined. These records generate healthy competition at work and improve the user experience.

See below how to create challenges:


Creating a challenge

1. Access the Challenge (GM003) menu and click on the Create button to add a challenge.

2. On the screen that will open, click on Add trigger to indicate the action of the challenge. That is, when this action is performed, the challenge will be completed. 

3. Select the component in which the challenge action will be created. Then, define the action that will be performed.

4. Answer the question “Do you wish to add a condition?” with Yes or No

  • If "Yes" is selected, fill in the shown field with a condition. Several conditions can be added to a trigger.
  • If "No" is selected, the trigger will be added.

5. Again on the challenge data screen, enable the Single achievement option to restrict the achievement of this challenge. It will not be possible to overcome it more than once if this option is enabled. 

6. Fill in the Description field.

7. In the Reward section, indicate the reward in points in the field that has the name of the score defined in the general parameters. It will also be possible to indicate days for the earned rewards to expire. To define the name of the score, access the SoftExpert Gamification general parameters article.

8. Finally, click on the Accept revision button to save the changes.

Additional options

On the record data screen, there are fields and sections that can be configured to make the challenge even more ludic and competitive. 

Badge: medal won for challenge completion. In the Reward section of the general data of the challenge, we can enter the badge name, the days until badge expiration, and the badge description. Access the How badges work article and learn more.

Availability period: define the period during which the challenge will be active in the start date and end date fields.

Achievements: this section is dedicated to the users who completed the challenge. It contains the acquisition date of the achievement and the user's name. It is possible to search for users through the search bar.  


Available triggers

SoftExpert Gamification allows for adding only one trigger per challenge. However, there are different trigger types for each component:

  • SoftExpert Training: component used to carry out organizational training. It has four triggers integrated with SoftExpert Gamification.
    • When a path is performed: the challenge will be completed when a path is performed.
    • When a training is performed: the challenge will be completed when a training is performed.
    • When a training is evaluated: the challenge will be completed when a training is evaluated.
    • When a training is given: the challenge will be completed when a training is given.
  • SoftExpert Document: component used to file and store organizational documents. It has only one trigger integrated with SoftExpert Gamification.
    • When a revision is released: the challenge will be completed when a revision is released.
  • SoftExpert Workflow: Component used to execute process instances and activities. It has two triggers integrated with SoftExpert Gamification.
    • When a workflow is started: the challenge will be completed when a workflow is started.
    • When an activity is executed: the challenge will be completed when a workflow activity is executed.

It is important to highlight that, for a trigger to be added, the components mentioned need to be acquired by the organization.




Thus, the challenges have been created and configured. Now, it will be possible to use them to earn points and redeem rewards in the future, in addition to viewing them through the Portal (GM005) menu. To learn how to use the SoftExpert Gamification Portal, click here.

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