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What is an evaluation method?



Evaluation methods gather the necessary criteria to evaluate the objects created in the system.

They are used in several SoftExpert Suite components to evaluate initiatives, risks, controls, mappings, and requirements. They also allow defining the priorities of process instances, portfolios, and requests, among other options.

There are two more common types of methods: quantitative, which uses user criteria, and simple listing, which uses the method result options. However, some components, such as SoftExpert Process and SoftExpert Action plan, have other method types available.

For an easier understanding, two examples will be displayed. For the first example, we will create an evaluation method of the quantitative type, which will be used to define the priority of the instances of a process. For the second example, we will create a method of the simple listing type, which will be used to evaluate a requirement.


Shall we start?

By following the steps of the flow below, it is possible to successfully configure and use the evaluation method to define priorities:


By following the steps of the flow below, it is possible to successfully configure and use the evaluation method to evaluate objects created in the system:


It is important to note that the examples displayed in both flows are not the only cases in which it is possible to define priorities or perform evaluations through the evaluation methods. 

Their use will vary according to the needs of your organization and the acquired components.


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