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Copying an organizational mapping




  • Access to the File > Organization structure > Position (AD002) menu.
  • Access to the File > Organization structure > Organizational unit (AD003) menu.
  • Access to the SoftExpert Training > Management > Course mapping (TR005) menu.
  • Access to the SoftExpert Competence > Management > Competence mapping (CO006) menu.



SoftExpert Suite allows for performing an organizational mapping by copying a mapping done for another department and position.

This procedure makes it possible to reuse data and previous configurations, thus saving time and effort.

See how to perform this operation:


Copying an organizational mapping

1. Access the File > Organization structure > Position (AD002) menu.

2. Select the position for which the mapping has been done and click on the button.

3. On the screen that will open, access the Department associated with position tab.

4. Select the department associated with the position and click on the button.

5. On the mapping data screen, click on the Copy button.

6. In the FROM field, select the department and the position from which the mapping will be copied.

7. In the Items field, select which requirements will be copied from one mapping to the other.

8. Click on the Copy button.



All done! Now you know how to perform an organizational mapping by copying another mapping.

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