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Configuring a Web Service data source



  • Access to the Configuration > Web Service data source (AD053) menu.



The system provides a menu for users to register all data sources that will allow SoftExpert Suite to connect to other systems via web services.

See how to configure Web Service data sources in the system:


Configuring a Web Service data source

See more details about each of the steps:

Web service data

The Enabled button allows for enabling or disabling the web service without the need to delete it.

Check the Internal SE Suite web service option to select an internal web service provided by SoftExpert Suite. Thus, it will not be necessary to create a new source if the domain configurations of the environment are changed. The WSDL version and Connection URL fields will not be available, as this information will be defined internally.

Examples of date formats that can be used:

Format Description Example
MM/dd/yyyy American date pattern 06/22/2024
dd/MM/yyyy European date pattern 15/03/2024
HH:mm:ss Hours, minutes, and seconds 18:37:05
KK:mm:ss a     Hours, minutes, and seconds (AM/PM) 07:44:23 PM
dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss     Date, hours, minutes, and seconds 26/12/2024 12:30:55
dd/MM/yyyy KK:mm:ss a Date, hours, minutes, and seconds (AM/PM)     12/07/2024 11:50:02 AM
EE MMM dd hh:mm:ss Z yyyy Descriptive date, day, time (AM/PM), time zone, and year Tue ago 16 12:00:00 BRT 2024

Authentication types available for selection:

Anonymous There will be no need for authentication.
Basic authentication Authentication will be done through username and password in the HTTP request header. In the respective fields that will be enabled, enter the User and the Password that will be used for the service authentication. If you wish, also choose the domain that will be used.
WS-Security (Password Text) User and password are sent with the SOAP message to validate the communication between the service and its consumer. In the respective fields that will be enabled, enter the User and the Password that will be used for the service authentication.
API key

Authentication will be done using a token in the HTTP request header. This type of authentication must only be used when the registered data source is a SoftExpert Suite WSDL. In the API key field that will be displayed, enter the token of the user that will be assigned for the operation. 

The token used can be generated through the API Gateway section of the user data screen - when accessed from the user panel. For more information about this type of authentication, refer to the Integration Guide.

The Connection URL field will not be available if the Internal SE Suite web service option has been checked.



In the parameter hierarchy, it is possible to identify the data type of each parameter. Check which data types are supported:


Unsupported web service specifications:

Array data type Elements that use the Array type (for example: soap-enc:Array) or array through square brackets (for example: "element[]"). Using the maxOccurs="unbounded" attribute to represent arrangements is recommended.
Returns with dynamic structures Methods that have returns with dynamic structures, since it would not be possible to map the types defined in the return.
Complex types nested with "any" tag The <any> tag inside nested ComplexType tags. It is recommended that each ComplexType be declared independently, and that all elements contain the type attribute defined without using the <any> tag.
Inheritance of elements with the Extension tag The use of the <extension> tag for inheritance between ComplexTypes. In this situation, the elements of the parent ComplexType must be replicated to its children in order for the same behavior to be obtained.


In the Security tab, it is possible to define a security list for the Web Service data source, restricting access to the necessary users only.

Check the options available in this tab:


Only users defined in this tab will be able to edit or view the Web Service data source. To do that, use the following columns:

  • Edit: define the users, teams, departments, and/or positions that will have permission to edit the data source.
  • View: define the users, teams, departments, and/or positions that will be allowed to view the data source.


All system users will be able to view the Web Service data source, but only those defined in the corresponding column will be able to edit it. Therefore, the View column will be disabled (since the data source can be viewed by any user). 

In the Edit column, define the users, teams, departments, and/or positions that will have permission to edit the data source data.



In this step, it is possible to consume the methods that have been enabled. After clicking on the Consumption test button, enter the values of the parameters required for the method to be consumed, and then click on the Execute button. 

Two response types may be displayed:

  • Success: consumption was successful. In this case, it will be possible to view a JSON with the service return via SoftExpert Suite.
  • Something went wrong: there was a problem while consuming the service. Check if it is available and if the data has been correctly inserted in the previously described steps.



All done! Now you know how to configure a Web Service data source in the system.

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