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My calendar



This resource is used to track the monitored events of all components, project and nonproject tasks, meetings from SoftExpert Meeting, planned and isolated actions from SoftExpert Action Plan, verification activities from SoftExpert Asset, and calibration activities and preventive and corrective maintenances from SoftExpert Maintenance for which your user is responsible.

It is available in Tools > My calendar in the general menu panel of the system.

See how the screen will be displayed:

A - Search filters are used to locate activities, objects, and specific resources in the calendar more easily.

Filters available on My calendar


In the displayed calendar, it will be possible to filter the period according to the option selected in the Vision palette on the toolbar:

  • Daily: Select the day of a specific month and year for the system to display the objects on this specific day.
  • Work week: Select a week of a specific month and year for the planned/actual objects in the working days (i.e., from Monday to Friday, except holidays) of the week in question to be displayed.
  • Weekly: Select a week of a specific month and year for the planned/actual objects in the week in question (taking into consideration Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, if any) to be displayed.
  • Monthly: Select a month of a specific year for the planned/actual objects in the month in question to be displayed.
  • Display: Expand the list and check the corresponding options to filter the objects which the user is allocated to or responsible for. Use the other buttons next to the field to check all available options or clear the checked options.
  • Status: Expand the list and check the options that correspond to the status of the object you wish to filter. It will not be possible to check the Actual option if selecting the Estimated and/or Confirmed options.
  • Search in: Expand the list and check the options corresponding to the objects the logged user is responsible for or allocated to.



Click on the Add components button, select the object type in the Search in field and, in the Value field, the object which the logged user is responsible for or allocated to.

To use more than one component in this search, use the Add components option at the bottom of the panel and repeat the procedure described previously. After adding the desired components, click on the Apply button.



Use the fields in this filter to find an activity which the logged user is responsible for or allocated to. To do that, enter the ID # and/or name of the activity in question.

In the Status field, expand the list and check the options corresponding to the status of the activity execution. Use the other buttons next to the field to check all available options or clear the checked options.



Use the fields in this filter to find an object which the logged user is responsible for or allocated to. To do that, enter the ID # and/or name of the desired object.

In the Status field, expand the list and check the options corresponding to the status of the object execution. Use the other buttons next to the field to check all available options or clear the checked options.


B - The toolbar displays the buttons that allow for manipulating the activities, the objects, and the resources, and the way they will be displayed in the calendar.

Resources available in the My calendar toolbar

Daily Defines the period to be applied to the display of the objects in the calendar. In the General filter of the "Search filters" panel, the system will display a calendar for the selection of the desired day, week, month, and year.
Work week
Execute Starts or ends the execution of an activity selected in the calendar.
Enter time Allows entering the time spent in the execution of the object selected in the calendar. This button will only be enabled if the "Allow timesheet" option is checked on the selected object type data screen.
Add Allows creating an activity for a certain component on the date selected in the calendar.
Edit Allows editing the data of the object selected in the calendar.
Delete Deletes the resource allocation from the object selected in the calendar. The record is deleted through the component to which it belongs.
Previous Click on this button to return to a period prior to the one displayed in the calendar.
Next Click on this button to go to a period later than the one displayed in the calendar.
Data Click on the arrow below this button and select the desired option: 
- Activity: Allows viewing the data of the monitored event action (isolated or planned), maintenance (preventive or corrective), meeting, nonproject task, project task, and calibration or verification task selected in the calendar. 
- Object: Allows viewing the data of the project or action plan, depending on the object selected in the calendar. 
- Resource: Allows viewing the data of the resource in question.
Histogram Allows viewing the resource usage chart.

For these resources to work correctly, it is necessary for the components involved to be a part of the solutions acquired by your organization and for the user to have the proper permissions enabled.


C- The calendar area displays, according to the execution dates, the activities, objects, and resources which the user is responsible for or allocated to, the total time in which they are allocated, the actual hours, and available hours.

The colors and pattern with which the objects will be displayed in the calendar will vary according to the configurations set on their data screens, in the general parameters, and in the Tools > Configurations section on the calendar screen.

Hover over an object in the calendar and use the displayed options to view the object information, view the project data screen, edit the object data, and delete the allocation in the selected object.

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