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Configuring the external user portal



  • Access to the Configuration > External user portal (CM030) menu.
  • User with permission to create portals.



To configure the external user portal, we must add elements containing the information that can be viewed and the operations that the external user can perform.

See how to configure the options that will be available to external users:


Configuring the external user portal


There is no limit of items for the external user portal; add as many pieces of information as necessary.



Elements available for the portals

To add an element to the external user portal, simply drag it and drop it in the desired location of the specified area. 

The elements available in the external user portal are:

SE Suite


This element allows for creating informative notes to be displayed to external users. After dragging it to the desired area, click on the respective link to edit its content.

On the screen that will open, enter a title for the note and the desired content. The following buttons will be available:

A - It allows for undoing or redoing changes.

B - This button allows for defining titles, paragraphs, and block quotations in the notepad:

  • Titles: title elements have levels that go from Title 1 to Title 6, allowing for structuring information. When an article is viewed from a portal, the phrases formatted as titles will be displayed as links in the "Markers" section.
  • Inline: it allows for highlighting parts of the text, whether to insert a quotation or to emphasize the content.
  • Blocks: it allows for defining the paragraphs of the article.
  • Alignment: it allows for defining the alignment of the text.

C - It allows for formatting the text to be inserted or any selected text with the bold (B) or italics (I) style.

D - It allows for choosing the color of both the font and background of the text to be inserted or any selected text.

E - It allows for choosing the font and the font size of the text to be inserted or any selected text.

F - It allows for setting the alignment of the paragraph text.

G - Lists with markers are used to sort and highlight groups or sets of information.

H - Numbered lists are used to present the steps of an operation and sort information.

I - It allows for inserting attachments, links, and media.

J - It allows for inserting a table in the notepad.

K - It allows for inserting or editing the example code.

L - It allows for editing the source code of the notepad.

M - It allows for clearing the formatting of the notepad.

After setting the desired configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

Use the Cancel option to close the notepad editing screen without saving the changes made. This way, all provided data will be lost.

External links

This element allows for creating a card with links for quick access by external users. After dragging it to the desired area, click on the respective link to edit its content.

On the screen that will open, enter a title and define whether the links will be displayed in the card as a grid or list. 

Then, enter a title for the link and the URL for access to it. Click on the Add button if you wish to enter another link.

Repeat this procedure until all desired links are configured in the element. After setting the desired configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

Use the Cancel option to close the element editing screen without saving the changes made. This way, all provided data will be lost.



In order for visions to be added to this portal, the analysis must be edited through the SoftExpert Analytics > File > Analysis panel (AN003) menu, and the Allow viewing by all external users option must be checked. 

Only analysis visions with this option checked will be available to be added to the external user portal.


Knowledge base

This element allows external users to access articles from the knowledge bases created in SoftExpert Knowledge base. 

Once dragged to the desired area, it will display the articles that have the View article control allowed for the All access, with said articles being spread across the bases to which they are related.

To edit the configurations of the element, use the button in the upper right corner of the element.

In the side panel that will be displayed, enter a title for the element and configure the following fields, as you wish:

Use only one knowledge base

Only the articles from a certain knowledge base will be displayed in the element.

In this case, in the Knowledge base list field, type the name of the desired base and click on the corresponding option that is listed.

To restrict the knowledge base articles that will be displayed, in the Category list, type the name of the desired category and click on the corresponding option that is listed. 
If this option is not checked, the widget will display the articles that have the View article control allowed for the All access, with said articles being spread across the bases created in the system and to which they are related.

Quick search With this option enabled, the keyword search field will be shown in the element.
Category/knowledge base filter The field that allows for selecting whether the articles will be shown grouped by category or knowledge base will be displayed in the element.
Most viewed The grouper with the most viewed articles will be displayed in the element.
Category/Knowledge base list The groupers that represent the knowledge bases and their respective articles will not be displayed in the element.
Display knowledge base image The knowledge base image will be displayed in the portal.

After setting the desired configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.


Action plan

Action execution

This element allows external users to execute SoftExpert Action plan actions.

In this case, when an external user accesses the external user portal, it will display all the actions to which they have been associated as responsible (Who field on the action data screen). For this reason, the content of this element will not be available to the configurator.



Available courses

This element displays the courses in which external users can enroll for online training.

The system will only display the courses that have the Make course available for online training option enabled in the E-learning section of their data screen and which are applicable to the logged external user.

Training enrollment

This element displays the trainings with public enrollment in which the external user can enroll and those in which the user has enrolled already.

Note that the trainings shown are those that did not have their execution started.

Training participation

This element displays all the trainings taken by the external user.

Training in progress

This element displays the trainings in which the external user is participating and are under execution.

Both the trainings in which the participant has enrolled through the widgets and those in which they were enrolled by other users will be displayed.


This element displays the knowledge paths in which the external user can enroll in order to take an online training. 

The system will only display the paths that have the Provide online training path option enabled in the E-learning section of their data screen and which are applicable to the logged external user.



Activity tracking

This element displays the in-progress workflow activities opened by the external user, in which they are the starter, or workflows of the company for which said external user is a contact.

Start workflows

This element allows the external user to start certain workflows.

After dragging it to the desired area, click on the respective link to edit its content. 

In the side panel of the screen that will open, enter a title and define whether the workflows will be displayed in the card as a grid or list and whether the following workflows will be displayed:

  • Process model: the external user can start workflows for a specific process (SoftExpert Process). In the respective field right below, select the desired process.
  • Workflow type: the external user can start workflows of a certain type. In the Process field, right below, select all the desired workflow types.

After setting the desired configurations, click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

Use the Cancel option to close the element editing screen without saving the changes made. This way, all provided data will be lost.

In order for the external user to start workflows successfully, the process must be duly configured for use by external users, and its security must be Public.

• Some process resources will not be available to external users, such as responsive forms, access to process flowcharts, activity assignment, security, associations, etc.


• Refer to the specific documentations of each component for more details on each one the available widgets.

• See more details about portal configuration and operation.




All done! Now you know how to configure the external user portal and provide the necessary information.

See how to configure access for external users.

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