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SoftExpert Maintenance general parameters



  • Access to the Configuration > General parameters (MA019) menu.



The General parameters menu allows for setting the default configurations of the component, applicable to all records created in the system. These configurations can aid in and facilitate the use of the available resources.

See how to configure the general parameters of SoftExpert Maintenance:


Configuring the general parameters

1. Access the Configuration > General parameters (MA019) menu.

2. Parameterize the system according to the desired resources. The following sections are available:


Parameter Checked Unchecked


Integration with SE Storeroom When using supplies, we can apply their configurations to a storeroom through the options described below. When a supply is used, its configurations will not be applied to the storeroom.
Use storeroom unit cost value to associate supplies to an activity When supplies from a storeroom are associated with verification, calibration, or maintenance activities, the unit cost configured in the storeroom will be used. When supplies from a storeroom are associated with verification, calibration, or maintenance activities, the cost configured when the supply was created will be used.
Allow closing the output event directly through the activity

When a supply from a storeroom is associated with verification, calibration, or maintenance activities, it will also be checked out from the storeroom. 
Thus, it will not be necessary to access the Storeroom component to close the output event.

Applicable only to events without an approval flow.

When a supply from a storeroom is associated, this association will not impact the storeroom to which the supply belongs.

Plan due date

Do not view plans with programmed activities or activities under execution If the plan activity is under programming or execution, the due date task (for verification, calibration, and plan) related to it will not be generated. The due date task (for verification, calibration, and plan) will be displayed according to its frequency, even if it already has activities under programming or execution.

Resources control

Do not display resources from other business units In the workload of the Resources control (MA080) menu, users will view only the resources from the business unit to which they belong. For further details, click here. The workload will display resources from all business units created in the system.


Calibration The date of the next execution can be edited in the calibration plan. It will not be possible to edit the date of the next execution of the plan.
Maintenance The date of the next execution can be edited in the maintenance plan. It will not be possible to edit the date of the next execution of the plan.
Verification The date of the next execution can be edited in the verification plan. It will not be possible to edit the date of the next execution of the plan.
Maintenance route The date of the next execution can be edited in the maintenance route plan. It will not be possible to edit the date of the next execution of the plan.

Activities associated with plans:

Issue an alert whenever an activity is planned for a date after the plan due date The system will display a message whenever an activity is planned for a date after the due date of the plan. An alert will not be displayed when the activity is planned for a date after the due date of the plan.
Do not allow to program an activity to a date later than the plan due date It will not be possible to program an activity for a date later than the due date of the plan. It will be possible to program activities for a date later than the due date of the plan.
Allow listing all scheduled activities of the plan in the activity scheduling task menu The list of records of the Verification programming, Calibration programming, and Activity programming (for maintenance) to-do tasks will display all planned activities of the plan, regardless of their sequence or quantity. The list of records of the Verification programming, Calibration programming, and Activity programming (for maintenance) to-do tasks will display the oldest activity, according to its execution sequence.

Default calendar for plan creation


Allows for defining a specific calendar to be associated by default with plans referring to verification, calibration, preventive maintenance, and maintenance route. 
In this case, select the desired calendar. The calendars available for selection are those created through the Calendar (AD016) menu of the Administration component.

If this field is not completed, the calendar will be shown blank on the plan creation screen, allowing for defining a specific calendar.

Activity ID #

Allows for repeating the activity ID # for different third-party service centers. Allows activities to have the same ID #, as long as the associated service center is an external one. Activity ID #s cannot be the same, even for different service centers.


Parameter Checked Unchecked

Tabs available for activity data input

Extra cost 
Select the tabs that must be displayed on the data screens of the maintenance activities. Tabs that are not selected will not be displayed on the data screens of the maintenance activities.

Maintenance request

Require asset to be filled When issuing a maintenance request in the Request component, we must necessarily associate at least one asset. It will not be mandatory to associate an asset when issuing the maintenance request.
Allow only one maintenance per request It will be possible to issue a request for only one maintenance at a time in the Request component. It will be possible to issue a request for multiple maintenances in the Request component.
Require planning of request execution activities When executing the Maintenance request execution to-do task, we can only program maintenance activities. When executing the Maintenance request execution to-do task, we can program maintenance activities or create them directly in the execution step.
Finish service requests only when all linked activities are finished The request will be considered executed only after all the maintenances and their linked maintenances are closed. If a maintenance generates another linked maintenance, the request will be closed as soon as the original maintenance is finished.

Execution date

Allow entering retroactive dates in the execution of tasks It will be possible to enter dates prior to the planned dates when executing the activity. It will not be possible to enter dates prior to the planned dates when executing the activity.

Programmed activity

Allow changing the associated asset(s) in the programming of the activity during the execution step When executing the maintenance activity, the user will be able to edit the assets associated with the activity in the programming step, associate new assets, and disassociate the assets added during the execution step. Assets that were added during the programming of the activity cannot be removed. When executing the maintenance activity, the user will not be able to edit the assets associated with the activity in the programming step.

Action taken

Require "Action taken" field to be filled out The user will be required to complete the Action taken field on the maintenance activity data screen. This way, the system blocks the execution of the activity if the field is blank, ensuring that the technician provides information about what they did in the activity. The completion of the Action taken field will be optional, and the activity execution will not be blocked if this field is blank.


Parameter Checked Unchecked


Integration with SE Document The user will only be able to associate documents from SoftExpert Document in the Procedure field of the activity data screen. The user will only be able to associate, in the Procedure field of the activity data screen, the procedures created through the Procedure (MA053) menu.

Calibration record

Request action plan for rejected maintenances of the "calibration" type Once a calibration is rejected, the members of the team responsible for it receive the Action plan to-do task. In this case, fill in the Deadline (days) field. If the calibration is approved, it will not be necessary to create an action plan. For this reason, the "Action plan" task will not be generated.
Deadline (days) Enter the number of days that the responsible parties will have to execute the task.
Associate standard directly in the calibration Select this option for the standard used in the calibration to be directly associated with it.
Allow associating standard by table/point Select this option for the standard used in the calibration to be composed of a table and/or point.
Allow editing the calibration points during activity execution A new configuration panel will appear on the data screen of the calibration in order for its points to be edited. The calibration points cannot be edited during the execution of the activity.

Tabs available for activity data input

Extra cost 
Select the tabs that must be displayed on the data screen of the calibration activities. Tabs that are not selected will not be displayed on the data screens of the calibration activities.

Calibration certificate

# of additional decimal places for uncertainty Enter the number of decimal places that the uncertainties will have as precision.
Consider the bias value in the total uncertainty calculation The calculation of the total uncertainty displayed on the calibration certificate report will use the bias value plus the uncertainty. The calculation of the total uncertainty displayed on the calibration certificate report will only use the uncertainty.

Calibration request

Allow requiring only one calibration per request It will be possible to issue a request for only one calibration at a time in the Request component. It will be possible to issue a request for multiple calibrations in the Request component.
Finish service requests only when all linked activities are finished The request will be considered executed only after all calibrations and linked activities are finished. If a calibration generates another linked calibration, the request will be closed as soon as the original calibration is finished.

Execution date

Allow entering retroactive dates in the execution of tasks It will be possible to enter dates prior to the planned dates when executing the calibration activity. It will not be possible to enter dates prior to the planned dates when executing the calibration activity.

Action taken

Require "Action taken" field to be filled out The user will be required to complete the Action taken field on the calibration activity data screen. This way, the system blocks the execution of the activity if the field is blank, ensuring that the technician provides information about what they did in the activity. The completion of the Action taken field will be optional, and the activity execution will not be blocked if this field is blank.


Parameter Checked Unchecked

Tabs available for activity data input

Extra cost 
Select the tabs that must be displayed on the data screens of the verification activities. Tabs that are not selected will not be displayed on the data screens of the verification activities.

Execution date

Allow entering retroactive dates in the execution of tasks It will be possible to enter dates prior to the planned dates when executing the activity. It will not be possible to enter dates prior to the planned dates when executing the activity.

Action taken

Require "Action taken" field to be filled out The user will be required to complete the Action taken field on the verification activity data screen. This way, the system blocks the execution of the activity if the field is blank, ensuring that the technician provides information about what they did in the activity. The completion of the Action taken field will be optional, and the activity execution will not be blocked if this field is blank.

Severity matrix

A severity matrix is an analysis tool available for system maintenance queries. Using this tool, it is possible to cross-reference the quantity and duration of maintenance activities. This makes it easier to identify the overall situation of the maintenances so that improvement actions can be taken and critical points can be quickly corrected.

See below what changes can be made to the severity matrix:

A - To define the activity duration classes (columns), enter, in the corresponding fields, a name for the class and a time interval that covers the duration of your activities.

To add more columns to the matrix, click on the New duration class button. Then, fill in the fields of the displayed column.

B - To define the frequency classes (rows), enter, in the corresponding fields, a name and a range of numbers that covers the quantity of its activities.

To add more rows to the matrix, click on the New frequency class button. Then, fill in the fields of the displayed row.

C - In the matrix area, select the color that will represent each "Duration x Frequency" cell.

On the View > Activity (MA011) menu, the option of analysis with the severity matrix will be shown in the Visions field.


3. After performing all desired parameterizations, click on the toolbar button.



The parameterizations will be applied to all system records from now on!

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