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How to manage and import points



  • Access to the Point management (GM001) menu.



It is possible to add, remove, reset, and import points through the Point management menu.

This menu allows the manager to organize the points earned through events that are external to SoftExpert Suite. That is, they will be able to reward or punish employees for an activity that is not recorded in the system.

For this article, the example used will be a group dynamics held in the organization, in which some users lost and others gained points. 


Adding or removing points

1. Access the Point management (GM001) menu and perform a search using the Search button.

2. Select the desired user and right-click on it.

3. Click on the Add or on the Remove option.

4. On the screen that will open, enter the added or removed score in the first field.

5. Check the Edit balance only option, if you want for the added or removed score not to be counted for the ranking.

6. Fill in the Explanation field with a description of the reason for the addition or removal.

7. Click on Save.


Resetting balance

1. Access the Point management (GM001) menu and perform a search using the Search button.

2. Select the desired user and right-click on it.

3. Click on the Reset balance option to remove all the user's score.

4. On the screen that will open, confirm that you want to reset the user's score through the Confirm button.


Importing points

1. Access the Point management (GM001) menu.

2. Click on the Import score button.

3. On the screen that will open, select whether you want to add or remove the score, then click on Next step.

4. The system will provide a template spreadsheet for you to download and fill in the User ID, Score, and Explanation fields.

5. Insert the completed spreadsheet in the available field and click on Next step.

6. If there is an error during the import, it will be reported in this step. If no errors occur, click on Finish to import the points.



Thus, the points have been added, removed, reset, or imported in SoftExpert Gamification.

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