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Editing the evaluation score



  • Access to the View > Evaluation (SL013) menu.
  • Evaluation answered via e-mail.



In specific situations, when a supplier does not answer the evaluation or misses its deadline, it is possible to assign a score manually to replace their previous score.

In this case, only the final score can be edited, and the content of the answers of the supplier will not be revised.

See a practical example of editing the score of an evaluation:


Editing the evaluation score

1. Access the File > Supplier (SL001) menu.

2. Select the desired supplier and click on the button.

3. On the screen that will be opened, access the Evaluation tab.

4. Then, select the score you wish to edit and click on the button.

The button will only be enabled if the evaluation is finished and the user who edits the score is part of the responsible team for the survey template used in the evaluation.


6. Fill out the new score of the supplier in the Current score field.

7. Then, enter an Explanation.

8. After doing that, click on the button.

Note that, whenever a score is edited, the E (edited) column will be checked; upon opening the survey response data, it is possible to view the score obtained through the response of the supplier.




Thus, you have learned how to edit the evaluation score. 

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