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Competence - 2.2.3


Goal management migrated to SoftExpert OKR

The goal management that was available through SoftExpert Competence has been migrated to SoftExpert OKR.

The migration to SoftExpert OKR dynamizes and modernizes the goal management structure, improving organizational efficiency and employee development.



Menus related to the goal were eliminated from SoftExpert Competence and should be accessed through SoftExpert OKR.

To grant access to SoftExpert OKR to users who previously had access to SoftExpert Competence goal menus, it will be necessary to configure permissions in existing access groups.

If your organization did not purchase SoftExpert OKR, but there were goal records in SoftExpert Competence, contact your manager to acquire a new license.


Goal plan execution/planning (Competence) to Period (OKR)

The SoftExpert Competence goal plan execution and planning records have been migrated to the Period (OK001) menu in SoftExpert OKR. 

Name and period information (depending on the status) and the configuration to enable evaluations have been imported.

Goal plan creation records (without planning or execution) have not been migrated.


Goal (Competence) to Objective (OKR)

The SoftExpert Competence goal records have been migrated to the Objective (OK002) menu in SoftExpert OKR. 

A key result with the same name as the objective was created to adapt to the new methodology, which differs slightly from the previously used concept.

The applicability of the goal was imported to the parties responsible for the objective. The goal associations and the party responsible for the execution were migrated to the key result of the objective.

The "Weight" and "Do not use the objective in the evaluation" options continue to be used to evaluate the objective in SoftExpert Competence.



Goal evaluation is now used to evaluate SoftExpert OKR period objectives. As a result, the SoftExpert OKR periods will be selected in the evaluation plan execution, instead of in the goal plan executions. 

Only periods that have the "Allow objective evaluation in the period" option checked will be listed.

The proficiency scale used to evaluate the objectives will be defined in the evaluation plan execution and will be repeated for all objectives.

When generating the employee evaluation, the objectives of the periods associated with the evaluation plan execution for which the evaluated employee is responsible will be used. Objectives with the "Do not use the objective in the evaluation" option checked will not be considered.


Employee profile

In the employee profile, the "Goal" tab will be called "Objective" and will list the SoftExpert OKR objectives for which the profile user is responsible.


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