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Risk - 2.2.0

BIA - Business Impact Analysis

Business Impact Analysis (BIA) is a management tool that aims to analyze the processes of a business, understand the impact of inactive time, and establish recovery goals, as a starting point for business continuity management.

From this version onwards, the analysis tool is available in the SoftExpert Process and SoftExpert Asset components, enabling the generation of analyses of the processes and assets recorded in the system.


Business continuity plan/Disaster recovery plan

The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is a process that aims for a sufficient operational functioning level after interruptions or incidents, and the Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is a set of policies and procedures for the response to incidents.

Both plans have strategies on minimizing the effects of an undesired event, with detailed procedures to keep the organization operating.

From this version onwards, it will be possible to generate the BCP/DRP of recorded processes and assets, enabling the generation of the action plan or workflow as recovery strategy, using advanced tools to validate the procedures for the business.


Opportunity management

Opportunity management in SoftExpert Suite now has an environment and features similar to risk management, with customized evaluations and monitoring and tracking tools.


 View the latest improvements made to this component:

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