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How do types and categories work?


Types and categories are pre-registrations used to classify system records, facilitating their creation and standardizing their configuration.

In them, the user can define information such as validity, identification mask, revision process, security, attributes, etc. Thus, all records created from the type or category will inherit these configurations.

These pre-registrations are sorted hierarchically, facilitating the organization of system records. The image below displays this hierarchy:

Its use allows the standardization of information in different departments of the organization. For example, it is possible to create a document category that covers the configurations necessary to create documents in the Sales department of the organization.

Thus, by using the category to create a document linked to the Sales department, it will be generated with the correct configurations, maintaining the documentation standards of the company.

The screens to create the types and categories are located in the Configuration tabs of the component.

The types and categories are used in the File menus. By clicking on the button on the screen in which the creation will be performed, a screen to define the object type or category will be displayed:

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