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Tasks menu

Once the user logs in, the audit execution task list will be displayed:

A - Audit status.

B - Audit ID # and title.

C - Audit execution progress saved in the desktop version.

D - Planned end date for audit execution.

If the audit is blocked for a user, an informative icon will be displayed.


Tap on the More options button of the desired task to access the available actions:

A - Downloads the task, making it available to be filled out offline.

B - Marks/unmarks the audit as favorite.

C - Indicates whether it is possible to send the audit to the next step via the application. When this message is displayed, the user can enter and send the audit data to the computer; however, some actions that are not available on the application still need to be performed via desktop, such as adding or associating occurrences, running audit tests, running control tests, and providing the results of requirement-based audits.

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