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Available cards


SoftExpert Suite (Customized)

Portal list: displays a list with the portals defined when the card/portal was configured.

External links: displays a list with the URLs defined when the card/portal was configured.

Notepad: presents informative content defined when the portal was configured.



Visions: portals configured with SoftExpert Analytics visions via computer can also be viewed on mobile devices. These visions may come from external data sources or OLAP analyses from several SoftExpert Suite view menus.



Status of calibration/maintenance requests: displays a chart with the number of calibration and maintenance requests per status.



Occurrence tracking: displays a chart with deadline statuses referring to closed audit occurrences that were under the logged user's responsibility.

Occurrence tracking per audit: displays an audit-divided chart with deadline statuses referring to closed audit occurrences that were under the logged user's responsibility.

My audits: displays a chart with deadline statuses referring to the audits under the logged user's responsibility.



My position requirements: displays a list with the statuses of the requirements assigned to the user's position.

My team requirements: displays a list with the statuses of the requirements assigned to the positions of both the user and their subordinates.



Graph analysis: displays a customized SoftExpert Performance chart. The content of this card will be a graph analysis saved in the system.

SWOT analysis: displays the values of a SWOT analysis.

Strategy map: displays a strategy map from SoftExpert Performance, with interaction options.

Gauge: displays a Gauge chart with the result of an indicator or element per period.

Chart: graphically displays the target and measurement of an indicator or element.

My indicators: lists all the indicators that are under the user's responsibility.

Scorecard: displays a Scorecard in the structure vision with drill-down options.


Action plan

Action tracking: displays a chart with the deadline statuses of the actions under the user's responsibility.

Action plan tracking: displays a chart with the deadline statuses of the action plans under the user's responsibility.



Available courses: displays a list with all the courses available for online training.

Training participation: lists all the trainings in which the user has taken part.

Training in progress: displays all the in-progress trainings of which the user is a participant.

Training enrollment: lists all the trainings in which the user can enroll.

Path: displays all the paths available for online training.

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